newbie ML Hunter with a few questions


Jun 26, 2018
Pasco, WA
Hey All,
I bought a knight UL 50 Cal in March before they jacked the price to outragous... I finally got out to shoot it yesterday. I bought the traditions smackdown 305 grain bullet and used two 50 grain pellets of triple 7 (I'm too cheap to go blackhorn 209). Gun shot great, very comfortable recoil.

my question -
Is 305 grain too heavy for only 2 pellets of Triple 7? I don't know what the velocity is but looking online I am estimating it around 1600 FPS at the barrel. I am in Washington, and dont expect to shoot beyond 200 yards. I haven't gotten to dialing in accuracy yet but I really like the light recoil of 2 pellets. My number one concern is accuracy and ideally minimal bullet drop at 200 yards.

thanks for any input from experience ML hunters!
I think you’re in the ballpark with that velocity estimate according to published data (link below). No, a 305 gr bullet isn’t too much for two pellets. Personally, I like my bullets going closer to 2000 fps though if I’m planning to shoot to 200 yards. I’m shooting a 600 gr bullet with 100 gr 777 (yes, substantial recoil) this year for moose but don’t expect shots much past 100 yards.

To bad you are afraid of the cost of BH. Best powder on the market not to mention currently the most expensive. It is easy to clean up and is great for accuracy, almost like smokeless powder. What many don't realize is that once zeroed one can can last up to three years and I shoot a lot of deer plus a couple turkeys.
To bad you are afraid of the cost of BH. Best powder on the market not to mention currently the most expensive. It is easy to clean up and is great for accuracy, almost like smokeless powder. What many don't realize is that once zeroed one can can last up to three years and I shoot a lot of deer plus a couple turkeys.
Yeah I got over my fear when I couldn't shoot shit passed 100 yards. Bought the BH and kicking myself for being a cheap as before - it's a game changer.
Not sure on WA regs, but in Cali I am pushing a Barnes TMZ 250gn bullet at 2100fps with 110gn of BH 209. It has worked well on several deer with iron sights out to 196yds.
BH 209 is available around here and is my #1 choice because it is fast and accurate but better bring some lube because a 10oz bottle is close to $100.
I think you’re in the ballpark with that velocity estimate according to published data (link below). No, a 305 gr bullet isn’t too much for two pellets. Personally, I like my bullets going closer to 2000 fps though if I’m planning to shoot to 200 yards. I’m shooting a 600 gr bullet with 100 gr 777 (yes, substantial recoil) this year for moose but don’t expect shots much past 100 yards.

777 fffg granular powder or 2 50g pellets? Just curious.