New world record archery bull

'Brooks also says he couldn’t stand to leave bad blood with Morrison, as Brooks takes his role as a bowhunting ambassador seriously. He says the two men spoke after the hunt ended, and he offered to give Morrison a pair of replica sheds.

Morrison tells OL, “I said you can shove them right up your ass.” However Brooks says Morrison accepted the offer in front of witnesses, and that he is a man of his word and will present him with the replica sheds regardless of what Morrison publicly states.'

lol --- Morrison sounds like a real piece of work ...

Maybe even a Drama Llama...
I agree. Morrison was baiting the elk so he could hopefully get the sheds. He even accused Brooks of harassing the big bull to get him to drop his sheds early. I’m guessing Morrisons bait pile had more to do with the elk being there than Brooks pile, since it was only two days old. Also the fact that Brooks offered him replica sheds tells me that’s what he was after, otherwise why did Brooks offer that.? I know if I legally killed any animal and the neighboring LO treats me like that, I’d only offer him a warm glass of shut the hell up
So you don't have pictures of this? Okay.

The longer this goes, the more my point is solidified. I live 3 parcels off a wildlife area that touches one of the local feeding stations and I can tell you I watch a lot of the hunting activity from my house in my personal time, excluding the time I spend actually scouting, hunting, or shed hunting. The "f*n Indians" argument is, in most cases, laughable, and baseless. I've seen exponentially more cases of accidents from non tribal hunters than I have of tribal members committing what they're accused of. It gets old.

Reminds me of all the “nonresidents come trash everything” talk I used to hear in Wyoming. The vast majority I saw was locals.

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Having attempted unsuccessfully to bait elk and deer in Oregon and Washington a few times, I’ll take a waterhole or alfalfa field 10 out of 10 times over a bait pile.

People who think it’s cheating most of the time have never done it.
It seems that it’s only cheating when others do it successfully 😏

I have never tried baiting, and I assume that is because it seems like a pain in the ass, And i predict there is a learning curve that I don’t want to take the time to learn.

I have seen a bunch of bait sites over the years, and none of them looked well executed, just someone randomly baiting a very easy spot to access like dumping some apples was going to magically create a honey hole for whoever dumped the bait.

I think it’s not all that different to hound hunting, people don’t understand it or try to understand it and since they don’t, they just claim it’s cheating even though they couldn’t do it successfully… people want to feel special, and they know the only way to do that is to try to discredit everyone who is more successful than they are.

I guarantee there is a high percentage of unsuccessful bubba hunters that have no talent in any regard that think if the had Casey’s money, they could be just as successful as him. It’s both funny and gross
Watched the podcast with Cam. Looked like they needed to get a room they were rizzing each other up so bad.
Yeah I listened to it. What rubbed me wrong in the podcast was two fold. Casey kept referring to it as a raffle winning. I get that, but I bet he bought a lot of tickets. Maybe just be transparent and state yes I bought 90 percent of the tickets. The other item was when Cam asked what has led to your success, maybe mention yes I'm financially able to hunt the best places in the world for a month. Not blaming the guy and if I was incredibly wealthy I would hunt those places also.....just maybe be transparent about it.
Yeah I listened to it. What rubbed me wrong in the podcast was two fold. Casey kept referring to it as a raffle winning. I get that, but I bet he bought a lot of tickets. Maybe just be transparent and state yes I bought 90 percent of the tickets. The other item was when Cam asked what has led to your success, maybe mention yes I'm financially able to hunt the best places in the world for a month. Not blaming the guy and if I was incredibly wealthy I would hunt those places also.....just maybe be transparent about it.
Do we know that he purchased 90% of the tickets?
Probably not 90% but I’m betting 65-70%. There is a way to look it up on the WDFG website but don’t ask me how it beyond my skill set . Most the big money Raffles guys have a formula they use when buying them. Dump a lump sum at the open of sales then a few through out the year then at the end shoot for 60%.

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Do we know that he purchased 90% of the tickets?
No, but I think someone posted the number of tickets available or sold in that raffle and if I recall correctly it looked to me to be totally in the realm that a guy with $$$ could easily buy it out. So in my mind it wouldn't be a leap to assume that's what happened. It has happened often in other raffles here and there.
I did see it's "only" the 3rd largest grossing bull or similar. Struck me as odd. Shouldn't the world record non-typical be the one with the most bone?
Raffle Ticket Sales Numbers

Auction Tag just so you can compare which one is more feasible to buy whether its outright auction or buying a lump sum of tickets.
Most his 400+ bulls are off the Arizona Indian res. Not taking anything away from him, but he's paying big bucks to chase that caliber. From what I've heard, his family name is very deep pockets, but at least he is not arrogant about anything. I've never seen him bragging about his accomplishments. He just loves to hunt and has the money to do so... I personally think it's great to see a giant like this without 20 flat brims and a giant outfitter logo all over it

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Its like fishing you need to fish to catch big ones and the more you fish the more big fish you catch. He fished in the best lakes and fished a lot more then almost anyone so guess what he caught the biggest fish. Good for him he put the time and effort in. But lets be honest without the $ he has this would not have happened.
Its like fishing you need to fish to catch big ones and the more you fish the more big fish you catch. He fished in the best lakes and fished a lot more then almost anyone so guess what he caught the biggest fish. Good for him he put the time and effort in. But lets be honest without the $ he has this would not have happened.
I certainly don't know all of the bulls he's killed but he's killed at least 3 mby 4 400's on public. Not all of his 400's have been rez bulls.
Interesting, mby he didn't have as large of an affect as one might assume from all the talk. The numbers might suggest differently. Net loss in sales from 2023 to 2024 elk east side. Mby he biased it a little but mostly got lucky?
The state publishes the amount of tickets purchased currently on their website. I imagine he bought what he felt he needed to so that he won. Based on numbers, doesnt look like anyone else with the cash was actively pursuing this animal. The 2020 jump I believe is around the timeframe the big bruiser sheds were found in the same general area. A 400+ bull was hit by a car in the area in that same timeframe.
Last he won the south central raffle tag which gives him the opportunity to hunt deer and sheep also. That’s why he told the landowner he had a deer tag.

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