I know this is a long shot but my family and I just moved to the Wasilla/Palmer area. I’m in the Army and just PCS’d to JBER. Is there anyone who would be willing to meet and have a beer or something and talk hunting. I don’t want your spot, unless your willing to give it up then I won’t tell you no , but trying to figure out the logistics and the general ins and outs of hunting up here. I stopped by fish and game today and grabbed all the literature I could to do my own reading and research but would really like to talk to someone who is experienced with AK. I’m sure no one wants to add another guy on their trips but if you wanted help packing something out or any other way I could help I would be more than willing to help any way I could.
I basically have an archery shop setup so I would be glad to help set up your bows or arrows or let you use my stuff.
I’ve lived in CO the last 6 years and did a lot of hunting and backpacking above tree line, and went through the army’s basic mountaineering course so I’m not a complete slouch or newby.
Try not to bash me too hard, I know it’s a long shot and no one wants to give away their secrets but like I said I am more than willing to give back for your time any way I can. You can pm me or answer on here if you would be willing to discuss anything.
Thank you,
Dustin Bratton
I basically have an archery shop setup so I would be glad to help set up your bows or arrows or let you use my stuff.
I’ve lived in CO the last 6 years and did a lot of hunting and backpacking above tree line, and went through the army’s basic mountaineering course so I’m not a complete slouch or newby.
Try not to bash me too hard, I know it’s a long shot and no one wants to give away their secrets but like I said I am more than willing to give back for your time any way I can. You can pm me or answer on here if you would be willing to discuss anything.
Thank you,
Dustin Bratton