New to squirrels

Old anschutz 22lr with redfield widefield 3x9. Squirrels are about the only time I shoot this rifle & I look forward to it each time.
How do y'all hunt squirrels in the deciduous eastern forest without dogs? Just like timber creep around real slowly? Sit and wait and listen?
1. Find spot with good visibility and preferably a back rest. Sit quietly and watch for movement.
2. Get up and stil hunt painfully slow.
3. Blow on squirrel distress call whil thrashing a sapling around followed by aggressive barks (same call)- bellows on one end and whistle on other).

Weapon depends on time of year like others have said.

Leafy= 20 or .410
Bare= .22 (Marlin lever action or heavy barrel Ruger 10/22)
The most fun I have is with my recurve with blunts and flu flu arrows. By far the least productive, I don't expect a tailgate full of fur, but it sure is a hoot.
If i want to eat its a 10/22 with a red dot.
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I’ve had some luck with my 12ga, but desperately want to make my scoped 22 to work. Y’all that hunt with a small rifle - are you taking “quick” shots, or do you have time to aim?

I put a lot of hours into the southern MN squirrel woods last year and every one I saw was moving fast on the ground or in the trees, so I never felt good enough about a short opportunity.
I’ve had some luck with my 12ga, but desperately want to make my scoped 22 to work. Y’all that hunt with a small rifle - are you taking “quick” shots, or do you have time to aim?

I put a lot of hours into the southern MN squirrel woods last year and every one I saw was moving fast on the ground or in the trees, so I never felt good enough about a short opportunity.
I take my time and aim, 50 yards and in. I usually go out with a goal.... say 4 squirrels. If I had a shotgun I'd get to 4 much quicker because 80% of the little guys I see are moving quickly. But I prefer 22 head shots just to preserve meat and make cleaning easier. I guess I just suffer and spend longer days in the woods. But you're saying 100% of the ones you see are moving so that's a different story.

Just to ask, are you always hiking or do you sit every once in awhile? I find if I'm moving they are moving and getting away fast. But if I find a "squirrly" spot; down trees for highways, acorns on the ground, just a squirrly vibe about the area. That if I sit still and quite for 15-20 minutes the forest forgets about me. That's when I see squirrels moving around like I'm not there and give me aiming opportunities.
I take my time and aim, 50 yards and in. I usually go out with a goal.... say 4 squirrels. If I had a shotgun I'd get to 4 much quicker because 80% of the little guys I see are moving quickly. But I prefer 22 head shots just to preserve meat and make cleaning easier. I guess I just suffer and spend longer days in the woods. But you're saying 100% of the ones you see are moving so that's a different story.

Just to ask, are you always hiking or do you sit every once in awhile? I find if I'm moving they are moving and getting away fast. But if I find a "squirrly" spot; down trees for highways, acorns on the ground, just a squirrly vibe about the area. That if I sit still and quite for 15-20 minutes the forest forgets about me. That's when I see squirrels moving around like I'm not there and give me aiming opportunities.

100% was an exaggeration on my part, but it was definitely a majority last year. That said, I’m also a total amateur, so take that into account of my skills. I had several fruitless outings with my 22, then I started going out with my 12ga and then I was at least coming home with something - albeit it was common to lose meat in that process.

I did a lot of what you described - looking for squirrelly places and then posting up to wait for action. For whatever reason I’d most often fine no action - just quiet barren woods. I mostly looked for older growth woods with nut bearing trees and some water nearby.

I think it’s a common excuse in southern MN that Mung hunters killed all the squirrels - I’m sure that can’t be the case, but some days I started wondering…my experience probably had something to do with being on high-pressure public land.
The wife and I walk a 3 mile loop on a forest road in Northern Arizona. Our lil honey hole. During early season we usually hit our limit, which was 10 each per day, now I believe they changed it to 5.

We use 10/22s, I use a charger pistol with a red dot, and she uses a long aftermarket stock with a little burris scope. Cci mini-mags

Big game hunting is so meaningful and memorable, but man does squirrel hunting make some good memories too.
@imw001. Are you seeing any sign of squirrels? Hulls on the ground? Nest in the trees? Entrance/exit into hollow trees?
May not be a very good population. Just a thought.
@imw001. Are you seeing any sign of squirrels? Hulls on the ground? Nest in the trees? Entrance/exit into hollow trees?
May not be a very good population. Just a thought.
A good thought. I didn’t see many nests last year, but I did see some. I’m a little embarrassed to say I’m not sure what a tree den would look like - I would appreciate help with that!

I do recall regularly seeing nut hulls pretty often, but I could have been reading that sign wrong.

I live in a far south suburb Minneapolis, and I think some of the WMAs I frequented nearer to the city were pretty barren - I had better luck the further away from the metro I got.
If there is a hole in a den tree, put your binoculars on it to see if the edges looked to be “smooth” from use. Often a lighter color than the rest of the bark. This is from squirrels using them going in and out.

The father from a metro area, the better. For everything. 😁
Ruger 10/22 or marlin 22lr. Shotgunned them growing up but switched as I got older. Both have pros and cons.
.410 when we were little till we got good enough with a .22LR

Shot a few greys with the nephew over the weekend. Great with biscuits and gravy.


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Browning BL-22 grade 2 lever action. With Leupold 3x9x40 scope. Always go for the head. Little suckers can be hard to kill.
I've gotten two with a slingshot...pretty challenging and super fun.

For the most part a CZ 457 or Ruger 22/45.
99 times out of 100 I’ll bring the charger. On a rare occasion I’ll bring the 410.
Got 3 yesterday, making tacos with them today!!


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I hunted them the first time this Fall while going for grouse, used my 20ga. Though I messed up and put them in the freezer before cleaning them... they are still there! xD I should probably throw them out and go hunt some more.