New To Reloading - Where to Splurge


Jan 5, 2023
I will say I don’t have an expensive press or powder thrower or scale. Just an old rcbs press, beam scale, Lee thrower. All of those work well. I use Lee trimmers as most of my rifle loads are small volume. I have a old crow trimmer for my high volume stuff. I like the lee’s as I have been able to change length to work on my wildcats. Just get one thats a little long, then turn it on the lathe to get the right length.
imho the best place I spent $$ was labradar. I have been able to dial my loads in more by reviewing the speeds than anything else. It has also helped in bullet selection as you can verify speed out to 100 yards or so.
I have tried cheaper electronic scales and hate them. I expect the high $$ ones are good as a scale is one place you get what you pay for. I have a 505 beam and it’s quick and easy to use. With magnetic damping it settles down with minimal effort.
Jan 8, 2022
I jumped right into equipment as well. But another guy above straight up said it… actual reloading components is the first place to splurge.

We can get fixated on .001 of an inch, or .1 grains. But having 1000s of primers, pounds of powder and tons of bullets/brass is definitely the most important. Actually having enough so that you don’t have to worry every time there is a hoarding war. You can get more and more anal in your process as time goes on, but having a large supply of components is #1.