New to elk hunting and point system


Feb 3, 2018
Mat Su
So, I'm just starting to get into elk hunting, really hunting in general (onset adult hunting syndrome). I am just starting to wrap my head around point systems and starting to build them this year to hopefully go with a buddy in the Lower 48 next year. I did see that there is a Wyoming NR anterless draw that I think I am going to put in for this year. Does anyone have any insight into this or advice? TIA


Mar 14, 2019
I see you are in the Mat Su. My buddy lives in Palmer. I am a NR WY elk hunter. Each year I put in for a Gen Tag and a reduced priced cow calf tag for my unit. This year I have 0 points so only a %14 chance of drawing my General tag and 25% of drawing my reduced priced cow calf tag for my unit. PM me if you'd like spend a few min on the phone. I'd be happy to help you with your app.
Jan 7, 2021
There's a learning curve, for sure. The are a few services that provide easy access to detailed information. I'm using Epic Outdoors now. Their publications appear to be very informative to this novice. Devin is accessible by phone and happy to help provide guidance for initial trip planning.


May 9, 2013
If your sights are set on a well-known trophy area then before you start buying points you might Google "point creep" and "Charles Ponzi".

If you just want to hunt elk with an occasional chance at a bull then learning the system will definitely give you that opportunity.


Jun 10, 2020
With regards to points, it's a screwed up system that slightly favors the old guys that have been applying for decades while royally screwing over everyone else.

If you're looking at points, the best plan is to accumulate 2-4 points, use them on a unit, build points again and repeat. Do this in a few states and you have a good chance at a decent tag most years. Don't bother trying to get 14 points for that one awesome unit. In 14 years it'll take 22 points and so on.

Edit: I should note, by "slightly favors", I mean that say a true lottery system (like New Mexico) gives you a 3% chance of drawing. States with points systems give a 4% chance of drawing to folks with max points and a 0.2% chance of drawing to anyone more than a year or three behind them. I made up those numbers, but that's roughly how it works out. Screws over everyone not in on the ground floor while hardly benefitting those that have been in it since the first year or two.
Oct 3, 2019
I agree with 98% of what you have said above about the point system being flawed. Just leave the old guy thing out. The System favors people that have been buying points for 14 yrs not decades. No one is getting screwed over it is just a system that doesn't allow new hunters/new applications a real chance.

Elk hunting has unfortunately become a big $ business where most states have figured out how to make extra $ by making you buy a license, buy preference points in order to even apply or holding your money many months before the draw.

I personally agree the way to go is to get your 2 -4 pts and draw. Point creep is a waste of $ to chase for the chance to draw a top unit.


Jun 10, 2020
I agree with 98% of what you have said above about the point system being flawed. Just leave the old guy thing out. The System favors people that have been buying points for 14 yrs not decades. No one is getting screwed over it is just a system that doesn't allow new hunters/new applications a real chance.

I stand by my "old guy" comment: Colorado has multiple units that require 25 points or more to draw for elk. Show me a 30 year old hunter with 25 points. Other states are in the same boat (and not just elk-- deer, sheep, goats, etc.), CO was just the easiest for me to quickly look up.

You also mention that "No one is getting screwed over it is just a system that doesn't allow new hunters... a real chance." That's sort of the definition of screwing over the new hunters-- giving new hunters significantly decreased draw odds (in many cases 0%) for all but the lowest tier units.

It's unfortunate that states are too invested in the point system-- all of those "old guys" that have been building points for 20 years (and are still 10 years away from drawing their dream unit due to point creep) would riot if states switched to something more fair. Elk hunting seems to be in the limelight at the moment, but in general, hunting numbers are decreasing-- and I would have to think that it is not helping that many states are putting those that have just gotten into hunting at a significant disadvantage from the very beginning.