New to archery.. picking arrows and broad heads!

Are you basing draw length on your height or did you get it measured? Your height won’t tell you what it is. I’m just under 5’11” and my DL is 29”.

And I wouldn’t go softer than a 300 spine.
Did you end up with the G5 Montecs? I would definitely have to bow paper tuned to make sure you are getting a straight arrow flight. This is especially important with fixed blades. I like hybrids these days and they seem to fly as good as my field tips. Most of archery is personal preference on gear though.
Congrats on the new bow! Arrow weight, spine, ect is Deffinately a rabbit hole. Personally I wouldn’t worry about expensive arrows yet, the black Eagle outlaws are pretty cheap, and are durable. But I agree with some of the other posts on talking to a reputable bow shop.
Im at 29” draw, 70 pound bow, 300 spine outlaws, cut down to 27.5” and running 125 gr point with 42 gr brass insert. And 3 vanes on the back no wrap.
I just harvested a buck this fall using Grim Reaper micro hades 3 blades. They did excellent passing through the meat and sometimes bone on all 3 shots. I haven’t tried the Montecs but I’m sure they would work too. Good luck, and shoot a lot. Even go by Nock on Archery and start the school of nock, get the basics down.