Congrats on the new bow! Arrow weight, spine, ect is Deffinately a rabbit hole. Personally I wouldn’t worry about expensive arrows yet, the black Eagle outlaws are pretty cheap, and are durable. But I agree with some of the other posts on talking to a reputable bow shop.
Im at 29” draw, 70 pound bow, 300 spine outlaws, cut down to 27.5” and running 125 gr point with 42 gr brass insert. And 3 vanes on the back no wrap.
I just harvested a buck this fall using Grim Reaper micro hades 3 blades. They did excellent passing through the meat and sometimes bone on all 3 shots. I haven’t tried the Montecs but I’m sure they would work too. Good luck, and shoot a lot. Even go by Nock on Archery and start the school of nock, get the basics down.