New Sitka drop

Aug 31, 2022
Does anybody have any beta on what the new Sitka drop will be?
I keep seeing social media ads saying "something new is coming..." It looks like a hunter climbing into a tree stand, so I can only assume that it might be a new Whitetail pattern.
Who is in the know?
I've heard a new whitetail camo pattern. Looks to have more green in it from the teaser. Kinda like how they had the stratus in subalpine for a year. Sold my EVII stratus before I realized they weren't continuing with SA.
There’s only so many ways to skin a cat. If you’re getting busted because of your camo pattern, you’re getting busted anyway.

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Not trying to get into the debate of camos effectiveness.
Just wondering if anyone has some inside knowledge of the new drop.
But since you brought it up, what's the best camo for cats?
Looks dark. Good deep woods early season
Agreed, it looks like it will work really well down here in the south where I've always felt the EV2 and even the SA had too many light colors in there.

However, I'm a firm believer in what was stated earlier. If you think a new camo pattern will keep you from getting busted, you're getting busted.
I liked that better than subalpine which seems to have a yellow to it, could just be my eyes though.
Sub Alpine has a tan base layer with browns and greens, this seems to be more of a grayish base layer with more green and less brown.
Not trying to get into the debate of camos effectiveness.
Just wondering if anyone has some inside knowledge of the new drop.
But since you brought it up, what's the best camo for cats?



Don’t know about cats, but I guarantee that new pattern will look about the same as the other 3 in black and white.

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Not all animals see in black and white only. It's not as much about color as tone and contrast. Not all of us see colors in the same way either. Some are color blind and to degrees in that range while some of us see more vividly than others, especially with age.

Any of the the current patterns work in most environments with some advantages based on the surroundings and those overall color palettes. To my eyes SA is the most vivid then EV while OC is the most muted and blends best just about anywhere.
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