TLDR - stay away from the HDX Pro generation. Straight trash. No upside.
I spoke to Sig Sauer today after they checked my brand new 18 Pro's. "ThEy mEEt SPeC." When I pointed out how they market their new HDX Pro glass as superior light transmission, color and clarity, they backed ALL the way down and just reiterated "LoW lIGht tRanSmisSiOn is ImpROveD." The rep claimed that larger objectives should be expected to have worse clarity.
So they will only stand behind this generation as being superior during low light scenarios, which in my experience with the Gen 2 HDX is about the first/last 5 minutes of light. For a 12 hour day in the field, that's 1.4% of the time that these binos are superior, while 98.6% of the time the cheaper, lighter, less power hungry HDX Gen 2's are superior. Got it.
They offered a 10% discount toward the Gen 2 Kilo10k's I've been eyeing, but that's still hundreds more than I get them. No thanks. In fact now I'm leaning harder towards the Revics.
Big thumbs down Sig. Do better.