New rules on posting spots? Really Rokslide?

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Nov 15, 2018
I find it very as a very beneficial way to share info; specifically amongst out of staters. Don’t like that? Tough shit. Get off the internet. Go to your state about eliminating out of stste tags. Better yet convince them that you should be the only one to ever get tags; just you; all yours. If someone else posts or comments info on PUBLIC LAND THAT YOU DO NOT OWN; I have no sympathy for your stance.
If you don't like the rule preventing spot burning, which as others have pointed out will always exist on the internet, tough shit. Get off Rokslide. There are plenty of other places you can go to ask for handouts without putting in any actual effort of your own.

What are we doing? You don’t want someone else using commenting; so you silence them? What is this? Liberals takeover? communist china? I don’t like what you might say so you can’t say it.
It's a privately owned forum with its own rules. This isn't the same thing as censorship, and you're not owed information just because you happen to have an internet connection.

Surprised by want the hunting community is doing to itself.
A barrier to entry exists (personal effort). I fail to see how that's a bad thing for hunting.

Rant over.
Mine too. Sorry you got your entitled feelings hurt. And that I couldn't find a way to communicate all this in memes.


Oct 25, 2012
I feel your frustration but the amount of pressure is growing year in and year out on public. Even in my state of Texas where I’m from.

I also don’t think that some of these back handed comments you’re getting or useful for warranted. There are a lot of butt hurt people in here I guess….

My suggestion is ask in a specific yet vague way.

“I was very fortunate to draw a limited tag in Idaho for (insert animal here). If anyone has experience in any of those units I could really use some help. Please DM me and hopefully your intel is for the unit I drew. If not, I appreciate the effort reaching out to help a fellow hunter.”

Sure, it may take longer and you may have to sift through some messages that aren’t beneficial but I think you will achieve the end goal.

Best of luck to you!!!

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May 1, 2018
Short rant.

I’m a rokslider; love the forum. Not an every day guy, but I buy some stuff, sell some stuff, research hunts, read gear articles, etc . Rokslide has generally been a great experience and I like the community.

Here comes the “but”

But what gives with the new rules on FNG posts about “specific areas being locked”

Ii’ve got to get to 100 comments to get out of fng status. I’ve been a membrer for a few years. Do we really useless comments racking up to get status

I drew a tag; askes for advice. There are 140 archrey / rifle elk tags in that unit per year. I’m not blowing up someones spot. Post was locked because i asked for specifics. Mod suggested I ask for recommendations on SW idaho instead. Doesn’t help much, sw idaho is big and diverse. Without unit specific info it’s all but useless.
I don't mind it being blocked as much as I mind the BS excuse that I can still ask for less specific info. Block it or dont.

I find it very as a very beneficial way to share info; specifically amongst out of staters. Don’t like that? Tough shit. Get off the internet. Go to your state about eliminating out of stste tags. Better yet convince them that you should be the only one to ever get tags; just you; all yours. If someone else posts or comments info on PUBLIC LAND THAT YOU DO NOT OWN; I have no sympathy for your stance.

What are we doing? You don’t want someone else using commenting; so you silence them? What is this? Liberals takeover? communist china? I don’t like what you might say so you can’t say it.

Surprised by want the hunting community is doing to itself.

Rant over.

If you need that much help hunting, maybe stick to whitetails where your dad can walk you to the stand.

And if you're an adult, grow up and do things yourself. (Isn't that what DIY means?)

Oh, and as a Colorado resident...We are working on lowering the number of tags available to you, and we are appreciative of places like Rokslide locking down those conversations because they actually have & do ruin hunting spots.

NR entitlement is always good for a laugh.


Sep 15, 2020
@Rfogelman656 based on your post, I would recommend checking out other forums if you don’t like rokslide. Rokslide is privately owned and operated with rules in place, and none of it is protected by the first amendment. The mods CAN and DO ban people daily who don’t play by the rules here, and the rules are posted in the post @Maverick1 linked to above for everyone to see. If you broke the rules that any privately owned entity has in place, you would get reprimanded and dealt with accordingly. If you don’t like the rules we have here, there’s plenty of other forums you could join. I can think of 3 specific other forums you’d probably absolutely love and gel with perfectly…
Aug 26, 2013
New Orleans, La.
I think it's a great rule, and should be rigidly enforced. Last time I gave out a hotspot honeyhole where I hunt, someone built a Buc-ee's there and sold ice and pulled pork sandwiches to everyone that showed up. Now I have to lurk on hunting forums to find a new spot.
May 1, 2021
The rule helps children grow up.
And IME, internet scouting has never lead to finding game.
Notice that those who agree with the free info/spot-burner position are not here to post?


Dec 5, 2019
I’ve been what I consider a message board browser now for a long time and Rokslide is NOT immune to the class pettiness that also happens at other boards.

My suggestion to remedy your problem is to go litter the board with useless content the way so many others have to get that post count up and lose the FNG moniker. Also, add stuff that appeals to the masses, not just “nice buck” or “Great Bull, congrats.” Add in there some “Sleepy Joe belongs in a old folks home” or “The Clintons belong on prison” that way you can also get the Like👍 count up too.

Do this and you may better get your questions answered, and as an added bonus you can look down on and add to the pettiness around here.

Signed, frustrated FNG that has been around for 5 years.


Sep 15, 2020
I’ve been what I consider a message board browser now for a long time and Rokslide is NOT immune to the class pettiness that also happens at other boards.

My suggestion to remedy your problem is to go litter the board with useless content the way so many others have to get that post count up and lose the FNG moniker. Also, add stuff that appeals to the masses, not just “nice buck” or “Great Bull, congrats.” Add in there some “Sleepy Joe belongs in a old folks home” or “The Clintons belong on prison” that way you can also get the Like👍 count up too.

Do this and you may better get your questions answered, and as an added bonus you can look down on and add to the pettiness around here.

Signed, frustrated FNG that has been around for 5 years.
Or you all could just… I don’t know… ACTUALLY participate in arguably the best source of hunting info on the internet? Seriously, if you all feel like rokslide really sucks as bad as you make it out to, then why help out the google algorithm by continuing to login and give clicks?

There’s Lots of questions asked here DAILY that provide value to the market that have nothing to do with specific units, just reply and give some constructive answers and provide your opinion. It’s not difficult to reply to a “looking at new binos” question, or an “I need new boots and have extra wide feet, any ideas” type thread.

This whole thread reminds me of the nursery rhyme about the little red hen. Lots of people want to eat the bread, but nobody wants to harvest the wheat or grind the wheat or cook the wheat.
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Sep 26, 2018
So I only read the OP’s first post but serious?

Ok so let me understand this, you take and take from a free forum, add no value to it and because you add no value your mad at the rules?

Getting 100 posts is easy, be involved just a tad and you’ll make it, this is what make the forum great, people involved in it.

It also gets old seeing guys draw a tag with no clue to what they drew, do some research people and don’t expect a free gov handout.


Feb 8, 2021
Because it's a selfish as hell post. All you care about is how to gain info to be successful as easily as possible after you've drawn the tag. You have no regard for the fact that the responses could significantly reduce everyone else's chances of drawing one of those 140 tags next year.
I think there are enough other factors driving people to apply for tags. Harvest statistics, animal counts, services like gohunt, etc. don’t think my post is going to suddenly change the tide here


Feb 27, 2012
Colorado Springs
I drew a tag; askes for advice. There are 140 archrey / rifle elk tags in that unit per year. I’m not blowing up someones spot.
It doesn't have to be specific spots......contributing to the blowing up of yet another unit is just as bad. I've hunted Colorado my whole life, over 40 years of hunting seasons. I've seen spots blown up by loose lips as well as entire units, many times over those years. I used to have a favorite OTC archery unit. Every year I'd see maybe 3-4 other camps in the entire area. Several years ago one of the online hunting info sites declared it to be the best "unknown" OTC unit in CO. I didn't find that out until "after" I showed up for my normal season. I couldn't even find a camping spot. It was so packed, there were literally tents set up along the shoulder of one of the main county roads leading in there. It was as if they had bussed people in from all over the country. I turned around and left.

Nothing ruins spots or units worse than loose lips.......not even wolves.
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