If you don't like the rule preventing spot burning, which as others have pointed out will always exist on the internet, tough shit. Get off Rokslide. There are plenty of other places you can go to ask for handouts without putting in any actual effort of your own.I find it very as a very beneficial way to share info; specifically amongst out of staters. Don’t like that? Tough shit. Get off the internet. Go to your state about eliminating out of stste tags. Better yet convince them that you should be the only one to ever get tags; just you; all yours. If someone else posts or comments info on PUBLIC LAND THAT YOU DO NOT OWN; I have no sympathy for your stance.
It's a privately owned forum with its own rules. This isn't the same thing as censorship, and you're not owed information just because you happen to have an internet connection.What are we doing? You don’t want someone else using commenting; so you silence them? What is this? Liberals takeover? communist china? I don’t like what you might say so you can’t say it.
A barrier to entry exists (personal effort). I fail to see how that's a bad thing for hunting.Surprised by want the hunting community is doing to itself.
Mine too. Sorry you got your entitled feelings hurt. And that I couldn't find a way to communicate all this in memes.Rant over.