New rule for posting in the classifieds

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It's good to see something being done to help prevent scamming. From my experience with buying/selling things online is that inexperience or ignorance are what scammers capitalize on. It might be a good idea to make a sticky in the classified section to tell users what they should look for prior to transactions on this forum. Some people just don't recognize when things look iffy. I would love to start a list of things that people can do/things to look for to help prevent being scammed.
Did the post count requirement get changed again? I was able to post an item for sale in the classified but now the yellow banner is back and it doesn't look like I can respond.


Maybe some system modification - looks like I can post again.
It's a start

- - - Updated - - -

If you have been around internet forums for any amount of time, this is usually standard practice to prevent scammers, and people who come on here just to sell their crap and nothing else

I totally understand and appreciate that. I’m proud to say this is my 13th post and really only the second useless one. It’s pretty easy to post 10 or even 25 times especially if you actually have something contribute.
Since the change, I haven't been able to post, not that I do much anyways, mostly read and learn, but thanks to some help from Jskaanland, all is welll.
Super great guy and pretty responsive.
I like the idea of trying to keep us good guys from getting scammed. I'm in the North Metro Denver area and will gladly offer to help anyone in need out here if they are scammed by someone here.
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!
You must have 25 posts before you can use the classifieds. The Scammers are getting out of control.

As always protect yourself.

Is it possible to make it so you can't even SEE the classifieds without 25 posts? That would stop the people DMing unsuspecting WTB posters. Then again, being able to see what's in the classifieds probably brings in traffic from legit users and provides more classified offerings, so maybe there's too much downside. As a lifelong cheapass I would hate to see the classifieds die.
Is it possible to make it so you can't even SEE the classifieds without 25 posts? That would stop the people DMing unsuspecting WTB posters. Then again, being able to see what's in the classifieds probably brings in traffic from legit users and provides more classified offerings, so maybe there's too much downside. As a lifelong cheapass I would hate to see the classifieds die.

We're going to roll out new user PM restrictions, to address that issue.. I started posting that this week to give people some time to hit 10 posts(I've also been too busy to get it going the last few days).
That's awesome! Thanks for all you guys do. This is by far the best run forum I've ever participated in.
We're going to roll out new user PM restrictions, to address that issue.. I started posting that this week to give people some time to hit 10 posts(I've also been too busy to get it going the last few days).

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I’ve started requesting a pic of the item with a piece of paper dated if they are relatively new to the forum.

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I ask for and provide Phone, email, and mail address. My post count is low here, don't recall buying anything here, but have bought, sold, and posted a lot on with the same username.
...but thanks to some help from Jskaanland, all is welll.
Super great guy and pretty responsive...

I'm in the North Metro Denver area and will gladly offer to help anyone in need out here if they are scammed by someone here...
John does a lot behind the scenes for this place. Much appreciated.

...and we’d love to have a goon in N. Metro Denver to take care of our light work!

Wouldn’t it be funny if someone ripped off a Rokslider and got the crap beat out of him on his own doorstep a few days later? #justice

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When you go look at the posts to get to 25 don’t just look at the quality but the timeframe also. 25 posts in a day isn’t going to cut it with me no matter how good the content. 25 posts over three years even if they’re just congratulations will do it for me. I had a scammer hit me one time. I tracked him down and contacted the local sheriff. Turns out he was a trustee at the local jail. Sheriff gave him a week to pay me. Got the money in three days :). It wasn’t a bunch of money but the principal was enough to get me doing research.
Post the below arrows are referring to has been deleted and user banned....

This should be quick ^^^^

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Post the below arrows are referring to has been deleted and user banned....

This should be quick ^^^^

Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
I saw it as well and had to laugh at the thread the spammer posted in.

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