New Rifle Purchased. New Scope Ordered. Need help with Rings/Bases!!

Feb 28, 2018
I finally bought a new hunting rifle. I've been using hand-me-downs and used rifles for my entire hunting lifetime. And they have worked well for the last 15 years. But I'm now the proud owner of a Browning X-Bolt in 300 Win Mag and a Leupold VX3i 3.5-10x40 should be arriving next week. But those were the easy decisions. I am really struggling with deciding what rings and bases I should get? I really like the looks of the Talley Lightweight Scope mounts. I like how the bottom half of the ring and the base are unitized. I am really hoping that you more knowledgeable guys on here have experience with the Talley set up? I like the weight savings of aluminum. But is that not a good idea for scope rings/bases? I only plan on firing 200 or so rounds a year. Will the 300 mag be too much for the aluminum Talley rings? Thanks in advance for any and all input.
I have a lot of Talley Lightweights in use.

Just be sure not to over tighten the screws. Aluminum will strip.
I like the Talley Lightweights and on guns in the .300 and up class, I really like the Warne Maximas. Virtually all of my rifles have one of those setups.

I cannot encourage you enough....use a torque wrench to install and torque bases and rings.
I have Talley's on several rifles, from 243 up to 338, never had a problem with any of them. Make sure to use proper torque specs and you'll be good.
I have a pile of Talley LWs that have never given me an issue. That would be an awesome choice for your setup.

Proper torque is essential regardless of the brand you choose.
Awesome guys! That’s encouraging to hear. I will invest in a proper torque wrench when I mount them up. I can definitely see it being easy to hamfist it and over tighten the mounting screws. I’ll have to post a picture of the rifle once everything is put together. I’ll have to hit the range hard if I want to use it for spring Bear next months. Thanks again

Any torque wrench/driver is better than nothing, but the Borka system is the gold standard, IMO.
I’ve used Talley lightweight rings for years and never had an issue. I don’t really even look at other rings when I’m setting up a rifle with just one exception, I use the Talley steel quick release rings on my 375HH.
Once I started using brakes on my heavier recoiling rifles I could not get a set of Talleys to hold a scope. They were awesome in working with me to fix the issue. They even sent me a couple extra sets to try. I just could not get them to work. Proper torque specs were used. I personally would only use them if it was the last option.
Once I started using brakes on my heavier recoiling rifles I could not get a set of Talleys to hold a scope. They were awesome in working with me to fix the issue. They even sent me a couple extra sets to try. I just could not get them to work. Proper torque specs were used. I personally would only use them if it was the last option.

Ryan, did you verify your torque instrument?

I ask because after 8 years of use, my fat wrench was significantly under-torque up to about 30 in./lbs., and then over-torque over 40 in./lbs.

That is why I went to the Borka.
Used two different torque wrenches and through the diagnostics I added one in/lb for about 4 total with no luck. It was a long drawn out process as they helped me through it. My time and money is too valuable to mess with them again. I had no problems for years on numerous rifles without brakes.
Used two different torque wrenches and through the diagnostics I added one in/lb for about 4 total with no luck. It was a long drawn out process as they helped me through it. My time and money is too valuable to mess with them again. I had no problems for years on numerous rifles without brakes.

Really interesting problem. I don’t have Talley’s on any braked rifles. Something to keep an eye on, thanks.
It does not make sense to me but like I said I just do not have time to mess with it. I have moved to Pic rails and Seekins or Nightforce rings. I may end up trying some Hawkins rings someday. I think the Hawkins with my March would make my Fierce setup even better.
Talley, Warne, and Leupold all make excellent stout rings and bases. One thing not being mentioned here is lapping the rings which I think can help get a better fit for the scope and relieve some of the stress on the scope itself. I've started doing that whenever I mount a scope now.
Held off, but i must say burris signature zee rings.

Yup,.. that's what, I use, ^^^^ only a couple of ounces more, but,... STEEL !!!
I have NEVER liked, Aluminum Rings, but,.. I'm "old School" !
Aluminum, does not "hold" threads very well, if you need to change scopes, a couple of times,..throw them, in the Trash !
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A lot of food for thought. Looks like I've still got some research to do. But it's kind of sounding like I've got nothing to lose by trying the Talley setup and if it doesn't work, then lesson learned and I move on. $50 less in my wallet that is. So, one more newb question. The closer to the bore of the rifle that the scope sits, the better right? From what I've picked up I am pretty sure that I want the "low" height scope rings? The X-bolt has a sporter contour barrel and the scope is only 40mm objective.

Talley Lightweights are my "Go-To" rings, and I use them on a .300wm (shown), .338wm, as well as .308s and .223s. The .300, .338 and .308 all have brakes and I have never had any issues. They all have held up season after season with no issues.

Talleys are a solid choice OP.
