New pack - Kifaru or Mystery Ranch


Mar 11, 2018
East coast
Debating between Kifaru Hoodlum or Mystery Ranch (looking at three different ones). Need the best frame for carrying weight on hips. Have had surgery on my back in the past and have reconstructed my knee this winter. So, can’t take a risk on something that could be hard to manage with a load. Have looked at Seek Outside, Kuiu and Exo but didn’t get a chance to try any of those. Also haven’t seen the Initial Ascent or Stone Glacier. But have seen some bags and frames from Kifaru and Mystery Ranch. I do like pockets for being a bit organized.

Question: which frame is usually more comfortable under load of 75lbbs or more? I’m 6”2 (was 6”3before back surgery...). So need something for my height.
Debating between Kifaru Hoodlum or Mystery Ranch (looking at three different ones). Need the best frame for carrying weight on hips. Have had surgery on my back in the past and have reconstructed my knee this winter. So, can’t take a risk on something that could be hard to manage with a load. Have looked at Seek Outside, Kuiu and Exo but didn’t get a chance to try any of those. Also haven’t seen the Initial Ascent or Stone Glacier. But have seen some bags and frames from Kifaru and Mystery Ranch. I do like pockets for being a bit organized.

Question: which frame is usually more comfortable under load of 75lbbs or more? I’m 6”2 (was 6”3before back surgery...). So need something for my height.

My friend, the best advice anyone on here will tell you is to call the manufacturer. First they will tell exactly which frame will fit you. Second, they are the ones to give you the best advice based on your circumstances. I called multiple companies when looking for a pack. I ended up with a kifaru lite frame and reckoning bag. The bag should be picked based on your needs and what design you like. The frame will be the big thing. Trust me, call them and talk to them. You will get all your questions answered.

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Both companies make incredible products - I had a MR set up last year - I'm 6'3" and with the guide lite frame I couldn't keep it from sliding down and thus it was uncomfortable at 75# plus. I switched to a Kifaru set up with a 26" frame and it has been a lot more comfortable. Saying that, MR came out with a new frame/belt that looks like it will work a lot better. I loved my MR bags but in my experience the Kifaru is more comfortable with heavy loads. Good luck! luck with that...

You are basically asking the coke vs Pepsi or Ford vs Chevy or blonde vs brunette question.

In the last twenty years for hiking and hunting, i went from an army issue ALICE pack to north face to Mystery Ranch (Dana designs) to kifaru and back to Mystery ranch. Different than the guys above, the MR guidelight just carries better for me than the Kifaru reckoning on a 26 inch frame I had. I currently swap between a Metcalf and a version of the pintler on a guide lite frame.

So basically it comes down to preference. If you have the time and the funds, by all means, do what I did and buy both and try them for a while and keep the one you like best. To be honest, you will sell the other pack for $100-200 less than you bought it for and you will know which one works best for you.

People can share their preference and talking to the companies is a good thing to, but you really aren’t going to know what works best for you until you get under each pack with a load and put in some miles.

FWIW I probably could have kept that reckoning and been very happy. But like an idiot, I bought a few too many packs and, at the margin, the MR worked best for me. I doubt you can go wrong with either brand.

Good luck.
Desk Jockey has some wise advice - the good thing for me is I bought and sold my MR and didn't lose much, you can do the same with the Kifaru - they both keep their value. You can also order both, try them and then send one back and you are only out shipping. I like DJ could have kept my MR and been just fine, but I like trying different things, could see myself trying the new MR frame in the future.
Love my metcalf!! Very well thought out, great for a 3-5 day pack in but also compresses down small enough for a day trip. And love that its made right here in the USA... ps never owned a kifaru
Do you live near any of us with them? I’m sure someone would be happy to meet with you and let you try one on with some weight in it. Maybe not high odds someone is around with the correct size, but it’s one option.

I have a Reckoning and an MR Mule. I’m 5-8 so different size, but I’d give the edge in frame and load bearing to the Kifaru. But it’s slight, and personal fit could swing it the other way. Both great packs, with different bags, for my purposes. I did haul out an entire deboned Mule Deer and the head with my MR pack. It did fine.
Love my metcalf!! Very well thought out, great for a 3-5 day pack in but also compresses down small enough for a day trip. And love that its made right here in the USA... ps never owned a kifaru

I’m fairly certain only the military packs are still being made in the US. Mystery Ranch moved their hunting line production over seas
I’m fairly certain only the military packs are still being made in the US. Mystery Ranch moved their hunting line production over seas
What??? Maybe I have an older one, believe mine had made in USA. Man I hope not
I'm in the same boat and have been wearing the MR Metcalf, so if I get the Kifaru (now figuring out which to get), I will perhaps be unloading one or the other on here.

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Both companies make great packs, but one thing I will say is Kifaru's hip belt does a great job of allowing you to shift the load to your hips. I only have 1 lung and suffer more than most when the pack weight is on my shoulders, and prefer the Kifaru for that reason. They may have the best hip belt in the industry.
I’ve only ran the MR NICE frame and a Kifaru Duplex hunting frame. I had installed an OV mean pad on the mr frame as well as the lifter straps. After going back and forth and slowly upping my weight i found the Kifaru to really start shining over 65lbs. The MR just never carried right on my hips with the higher weights. I’ve been more than happy sticking with my Kifaru setup and have no regrets selling the MR pack.
What??? Maybe I have an older one, believe mine had made in USA. Man I hope not
It will say Bozeman Mt on the face of the bag and have an American flag inside the main bag if it’s made in the US. Plus as stated the guide lite series is made overseas and the NICE frame was US made like on the military line up.
I run a Mystery Ranch Metcalf and I have been very pleased. It handles weigh great and feels EXTREMELY comfortable. The pack material itself is extremely durable, too. If you count oz's there could be better options. It's a touch on the heavier side, but I don't mind that.
I ran both pack companies for awhile. I sold the Kifaru. The MR products just ride on my hips better. My body. Your body may vary.

If you live near me, your welcome to try it on loaded.
Debating between Kifaru Hoodlum or Mystery Ranch (looking at three different ones). Need the best frame for carrying weight on hips. Have had surgery on my back in the past and have reconstructed my knee this winter. So, can’t take a risk on something that could be hard to manage with a load. Have looked at Seek Outside, Kuiu and Exo but didn’t get a chance to try any of those. Also haven’t seen the Initial Ascent or Stone Glacier. But have seen some bags and frames from Kifaru and Mystery Ranch. I do like pockets for being a bit organized.

Question: which frame is usually more comfortable under load of 75lbbs or more? I’m 6”2 (was 6”3before back surgery...). So need something for my height.
I am 6’ 5” and I have a kifaru duplex frame 26” and it works great super comfortable. I’ve had 140 lbs on it and it carries about as comfortable as 140 can carry.