New pack hint on the Exo site.

Yeah they've been great to deal with and I'm very happy with my 2017 K2 system. Although I have no reason to get a new pack, I still get excited to see what these guys come up with. The build a great pack and have a proven track record of thoroughly testing and vetting their own product long before releasing it. When I talked with Mark at the SLC expo, one of the things he mentioned that I really respect is that they don't just make changes to make changes. They'll only change something if its an improvement. I really look forward to the improvements each of the top tier pack makers come out with. I'm an admirer of the design and innovation.
I really like my 2017 3500 too. I dont need a new pack now but am curious to see the changes. Bought a lot from Steve over the years and he has always been great to deal with.
My brother has worked in racing industry and they are always looking for lighter and stronger and this aluminum is legit. It should perform as good or better than titanium.
Shouldn't be a problem to get you a pack well before August. Production on the 2019 packs is starting right now. The goal is to have a solid amount of inventory in stock ready to ship as soon as we launch, that way there isn't any lag time or backorder situations. Worst case scenario we'll begin shipping July 1. Most likely it will be sooner than that.

If you guys have any questions on the new packs I'm happy to answer on here.

The new frame material is an an Ultra high strength Aluminum called K794. We have been testing and abusing it for over a year now with excellent results. In the end it achieves identical strength to our Titanium frame but does that in 2 oz lighter package. 2oz on its own may not sound like much but one of the design goals for the new K3 frame was to reduce its overall weight by 8oz compared to the K2 frame. 2oz went a long ways towards doing that.

In a big picture summary we've been able to increase performance, comfort and durability all the while saving about 10-12 ounces out of a complete pack. The weight has been saved through smarter design and better materials like the new K794 tubing rather than making foam thinner, use smaller webbing, removing features etc. In fact we went the opposite way in a lot of areas, the pack is now all 1" webbing with 2" webbing on the belts, the foam on the harness and belts is thicker, there is more adjustment in the frame for fitting, etc

We'll have the new frame that comes in 2 different frame height options (24-25.5" and 25-26.5") and 4 new bags coming out (3200, 4800, 6400 with an 1800 coming in August)

We've spent over two years working on the new frame and it has some really cool features we are very excited about. On the bags we've made some nice changes to them but definitely haven't departed too far from our current designs. Lots more info and pics will be coming most likely early May once the first production runs start coming off the line.

To give you an idea of weight I have a complete 6400 sitting here at my desk weighing in at 4lbs 14oz. Its not a final production sample but the end weight will be very close to that.

6400... Yes! : )
Sneaky- That was definitely one of the goals in designing the new K3, I wanted to get back some of the lateral movement but without sacrificing any heavy load carrying performance. The K2 was A LOT more forgiving of awkward, large loads then the skeleton was but we did have to sacrifice some amount of mobility in the frame to get there. For me designing is a constant battle of trade offs to get the features / performance you want. On the new K3 frame I was able to get back probably 30-40% of the mobility (mainly through designing how the belt, lumbar pad and shoulder harness are attached to the frame panel. The K794 frame itself is every bit as stiff as the Ti frame) but I was also able to get there while at the same time increasing the heavy load performance. To say I am excited about the new frame is an understatement, it's been a long two year process to get here. I wasn't in any rush to put a new frame out there, I was just going to keep designing until I felt we had made some substantial improvements that was worth putting out there for our customers.

Dooger - The 3200 with a lid will definitely be in that high 3's range. I'd say 3850-3900.

CApighunter - Yes we made sure the new designs are all compatible with old bags and frames. We didn't want to leave any customers out to dry or force them to buy a new frame if they just wanted a new bag. There are a few small work arounds but very simple. There are only a couple accessories that won't transfer over.

Randle - No, the 1800 will just be a small, true daypack that fits on the frame. I haven't got around yet to revisiting the horn hauler. Definitely something I want to get to though.

Wildwood - Pricing will be going up about $25-50 per pack depending on what size you were comparing to the current offerings. That's pretty much a direct translation of material costs keep going up, almost every single vendor we use has been slowly raising prices on us. We've worked extremely hard to keep costs as low as possible while still providing the absolute best pack that we can.
This all sounds good to me. Things are starting to clear up and I'm getting excited. Now just keep the ranger green color and I have a good idea what my order is gonna be 👍
We'll have the new frame that comes in 2 different frame height options (24-25.5" and 25-26.5") and 4 new bags coming out (3200, 4800, 6400 with an 1800 coming in August)


Thank you for the info Steve! Will the new sizes use the same measurement method of the current packs? For example, the current 3500 is a 3500ci bag and lid, 700ci exterior pockets, 2500ci load shelf area.

Also, any insight on the weight difference between the new 4800 & the 6400?
Hmmm this makes my decision making a little bit harder as I look for a new pack setup. Gonna have to wait a bit longer now lol.
Thank you for the info Steve! Will the new sizes use the same measurement method of the current packs? For example, the current 3500 is a 3500ci bag and lid, 700ci exterior pockets, 2500ci load shelf area.

Also, any insight on the weight difference between the new 4800 & the 6400?

The new model name/sizes are much closer to "true capacity" than in the past. Full dimensions and detailed specs coming.
The 3200 and 6400 will have a straight zip, but it will be longer than the current zippers and will offer great access.

The new 4800 bag will have the horseshoe zip.

4800 still have the long side pockets and a roll top?

Can you set up our Mil discount in our account so we can order online or is it call in only?