New Pack Advise (Kuiu straps cut under heavy load)

Thanks for the replies. I'm kind of between sizes on the packs and if memory serves this is a large frame. Maybe a Medium would be the ticket. I hate to just keep buying new gear and reinventing the wheel. That said, there is some realy good looking gear coming out these days.

if you want new faulting that. but seriously, you're getting the load onto your hips? i kinda picture the shoulder strap's role in all of this is to mainly keep the pack from tipping back off of my back. when i fit my packs, i really try to get the load onto my hips. the last move is to pull the shoulder straps tight to pull the load forward on my back.

this is sometimes a challenge when the pack is really heavy..hoisting that load onto the hips takes some ridiculous moves. i know a guy that (has a healthy back)..he damn near leans forward and lets it all shift forward before he gets the hip belt tight..i would ruin my back. :) i ask for help.
Where you’re shoulder straps Velcro to your frame can you change the pitch to match the angle from your neck to your shoulder? I just messed with this on my xcurve with great results for over 60 pounds. I know you have a kuiu but the shoulder strap Velcro area looks very similar between them.
With a heavy load, I'll adjust and carry more weight on my shoulders, but I think it's obvious you don't have enough riding on your hips. Have someone check your fit and make adjustments.