New MDT Mountain and Backcountry Bipods Shot Show 2025

If these mtnpods use the same style mounting that the atlas feet use, these extended legs might work for the kneeling and seated heights. They might be able to be cut down to not be overly long.
If these mtnpods use the same style mounting that the atlas feet use, these extended legs might work for the kneeling and seated heights. They might be able to be cut down to not be overly lolong.
Not sure if mdt will keep same design but mtngear seems to have epoxied legs.
They show a bunch of pre-order stuff but offer up no specs for the items? The ball head and bipod look interesting.
I heard rumor mdt bought mtn gear nz and that's their revised version

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the revisions MDT made to the mountain bipod actually make it look a little more stout.
I have the previous version and it’s fine, just doesn’t look as stout as the new one.
This is Matts latest design. I have his latest and it appears to match the MDT exactly. Hes been revising it even whilst in talks with MDT. MDT haven't taken over production as far as I know and may make some tweaks. It will be a good thing as its frees him up to design new stuff and brings production closer to the main market (USA).
I was on the fence about a mtn gear but this actually makes me feel better about one and any warranty needs, MDT customer service is solid
Matts customer service is top notch he will always make things right. Its just a long way to NZ so that could have been a bit slow.
Not sure if mdt will keep same design but mtngear seems to have epoxied legs.
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This was an old revision Matts been continuously revising and improving over the years. The current model is all aluminum not titanium and has bolt on feet with a single spike a locking pan etc.
I never pre order anything ,but I’m im line for the Tricer. Hopefully it performs as advertised. Happy with the lightweight tripod and head from them. Drew seems like a good guy. Has always followed through for me.