New Lapua Brass for .308.. any case prep needed?

Dec 2, 2022
Southest Michigan
I have some new Lapua brass I’ve been waiting to try and figured now would be a good time since I’m working on this year’s hunting load for my .308.

That being said, is any case prep really needed? I’ve read some people say to neck size, but I only have full-length sizing dies.

Had some issues loading last night with overall length consistency (using a variety of once-fired, trimmed, and sized brass,) so I’m trying to eliminate any variables. New brass, and also going to use the ogive comparator tool to measure.

The load is for 165gr interlock. 44.0 grains of IMR4064, 2.750” OAL.

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I do the same thing with all virgin premium brass and this process has resulted in ammo I don’t feel is any worse on the first firing.

Mandrel with a .002 under mandrel, using imperial wax.
Dry tumble an hour and a half, gets the wax and grittiness of the annealed neck gone
Chamfer and debur
Prime and load

Used to treat the first firing as sacrificial, premium brass necks, that are annealed are gritty as hell, they really grab a bullet if not taken care of. You can feel, If you feel down the case, the grittiness of the annealed area.
I only use fl dies. I have no reason to neck size brass. Cycle it just enough to open the case mouths. Some of them can/will be dented.

I’ve never chamfered/deburred or mechanically cleaned any new brass before loading. You don’t need wax to open the case mouths.

I develop loads with virgin brass and have never had to “adjust it” when loading it as once fired.
Excellent choice on the Lapua brass, I love that stuff in .308.

I’d just run the expander die into the necks just to be sure none are dented. It’s super quick, no lube needed, and your FL die will work fine.
I have only used new Lapua brass for my two rifles. Like @Peakbagger46 said he similarly does, I just short-stroke the sizing die down so that the expander does the necks so that they’re all uniformly round. However, I also debur the inside & outside of the case mouth ever so slightly with just a quick twist on the debur tools, & then wipe off the mouth with a clean cloth.
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At minimum I rein and expander mandrel through the necks to uniform them and lightly chamfer/de burr as someone else posted.

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If loading on a single stage press, use some graphite dry lube on the necks (usually just dip the neck into the media), and run them over a mandrel.

On a progressive press, the same as above, plus a die like Lyman M to give a little flare. I don’t bother with the chamfer.
I've found the necks on new Lapua to be very tight. I'll run them over the expander ball, chaffer/chamfer and load.