Your gun and pack are fine, get some good solid boots, a decent tent, workout, and you'll have a blast. Some of the best memories i have hunting was with sub par gear when i started. Just go, be safe and have an escape plan. In other words, don't get 10 miles back in somewhere with a walmart tent in 2 feet of snow. Take what you need to be SAFE, the rest is just fun learning. First trips west I don't reccomend spending a bunch of money on gear except what you need to be safe and semi comfortable. If you love it, then you can invest in better gear
I think we all need to dial back sometimes and remember- there are still guys out there getting it done in wool pants, flannels, and open sights. I love gear as much as anybody, but there are some hunts that just aren't as hardcore as everyone makes them sound. I used to hunt elk in November in jeans and tennis shoes haha wouldn't do it again, but not every hunt needs kuiu and thousands in gear. It's very nice and makes things more comfortable, but not always needed. Just go, enjoy it