New guy from Missouri


Dec 17, 2022
Hey all,
Thanks for having me! I was born and raised in Missouri, have been an avid hunter all my life. I started tagging along with my dad at age 4 and carrying a gun just a few years later. I have successfully hunted elk and mule deer in Colorado and have made several trips to Wyoming after pronghorns (my favorite western game) . I enjoy shooting and reloading, specialty pistols are a favorite. I look forward to participating in the forums .
As the self-appointed chairman of the welcoming committee, it is my privilege to extend a laurel, and hearty handshake (virtual, of course) to our new member.

Bob, I drew a tag for the MO bear hunt this fall and was hunting the MTNF not too far from there.
I had a bruiser on my trail camera a few years ago and we had one visit our deer camp and bang around one night. They are not common though, I have seen a few over the years but I didn't even apply for the tag this year.