New guy from Cape Cod, MA


Nov 21, 2019
Falmouth, MA
Hey fellas, I lurked on here for a while, an gathered a ton of information for a DIY Colorado OTC 3rd rifle hunt, that just finished earlier this month. So thanks for the info, and let me introduce myself. My name is Nate, and I live in Falmouth MA (originally from VT), and do a ton of whitetail hunting up in the NH and Maine mountains. I don't own a treestand, so all my hunting is still hunting or tracking if there's snow.

Anyway, back to elk hunting, I was successful and took a raghorn bull on opening day of 3rd rifle in the aspens! It was absolutely awesome, as I had never hunted out west before, and all my scouting, etc, was done with google earth and OnX. I saw 4 legal bulls the first morning and my brother saw two more mid-week, had a shot but hesitated and never saw the bull again. In total between the 4 of us, we saw close to 60 elk all on public land, and completely hooked on elk hunting! We only filled the one bull tag, and in hindsight, should have purchased the leftover cow tags.

3 of us flew out of Boston direct to Denver rented a 4x4 pickup, and one of our buddies already lives in CO, so that was great. Next time though my brother and I will drive out because flying with gear, Logan parking, coming back with meat, etc was just a pain in the arse. 134461
Welcome aboard and congrats on a great first elk hunt! Glad to see your preparation and work payoff with a nice bull! (y) Thanks for posting!