I just gave my list to Santa Clause (Aron Snyder).
A new pack is at the top for me.
C'mon Santa!
Picked up a pair of the Hanwag Alaskan GTX's on sale.
Thinking about getting a new rest. Was going to get a Hamskea Versa Rest but Limbdriver is coming out with a new one that is similar so will wait and see what that one looks like. I'll end up with one of the two.
Looking at a new pack, kifaru or McHale custom but will probably put that off another year. One of my hunting partners is currently getting a Mchale so we'll see how that goes.
Just picked up some Razor Trick broadheads. Wicked looking little head and got them in the bargain cave at Cabelas for $15/per three.
suprised no one has updated this with the new highcamp, bikini or used duplex gear :chuckle: