New from IL


Apr 3, 2020

New guy from IL. Been creeping on the sight for a long time now trying to find information on tuning my bow. Just started archery about 4 months ago and I’m a total junkie now. Never hunted with a bow yet but I’m hoping by this next bow season I’ll be confident enough to try whitetail.

Anyway, I’m hoping to be able to contribute in any way I can. I’m no expert but I do build my own arrows and tune my own bow so I have picked up a few things along the way. I’m really enjoying shooting longer distances with my bow. I never thought it would be so much fun and such a challenge

My current setup is a Hoyt carbon spyder ZT turbo approx 67# 29.5” DL
Sight is an HHA optimizer lite kingpin with 3 pins
Hamskea hybrid trinity hunter rest
My current arrow setup I’m working on is the Easton carbon axis match 5mm 300 spine and I’m running ethics archery outserts. I was messing around the the carbon injexions but decided to go back to the axis because I was sick of buying lighted knocks for the 4mm injexions lol

Other hobbies include custom knife making, flashlight building and machining.

so if anyone has any questions about any of those things please feel free to hit me up and I’ll answer or help in anyway I can.

I just signed up too and now need to post 10 responses so I can start using the classified section. I’ve always enjoyed these forums