New forum. Bring it on! Let's see some dead tree rats and /or fuzzy bunnies.

Up until a few weeks ago I had no trapping experience. A friend of mine has been mentoring me this year and now I have enough to (most of the time) not snap a 330 on myself. He let me watch him set a few traps and he taught me how to skin and flesh a beaver.

I also have several fox running around the house, making matters worse.

I can’t wait to start my own line next year! 941A0324-F084-4792-BC7A-FC3A77A327A7.jpeg40D6F23F-B1E2-42A0-AC8F-51AB223DA67F.jpeg
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Found a sling stud adaptor in my spare parts bin along with a Magpul bipod. It’ll be nice to not have to shoot freehand for the small game.


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Lot of great memories squirrel hunting with dad as a kid. My kids are almost old enough now and we shall soon hit it hard
Mind sharing the recipe? Those look amazing!
How are the First Lite gators? What size shoe is he? I have been wanting some gators for my 5 year old, but everything I have found is too big.
He, and I, and my eldest all really like the First Lite Traverse gaiters. They’re pretty good at sealing up your boot to keep dirt out of the top, and they add a few degrees of warmth on cool days without being too hot on warmer ones, in my opinion. I believe he was a size 7 shoe when he got his small gaiters, if memory serves. I believe all our Traverse are the 1.0 version, so I don’t know how the newer 2.0 Traverse compare, but I did see today that First Lite has a big sale going for Black Friday so you might be able to get a good deal on a pair.