new format

If you’re referring to the color scheme, you can change it back to the dark scheme by scrolling to the very bottom of the page and clicking the symbol just above “Contact Us”. This is how it looks on Safari for iPhone (may look different on a different browser):
Same - I used to have mine set to have a lighter blue background, as it was much easier on the eyes. I haven't read half as much the last couple of days because of this forced change. Spent more than a little time trying to figure out the settings, and it just doesn't look like that other option is available anymore.
What options do you see? This is on an iPhone and chrome browser. I think “system” is the host software default and the other two are RS specific settings.
The three choices are:

Dark - which is dark/dark
System - which is dark/light
Light - which is dark/light, but used to be light/light. This is what others are "complaining" about on at least 3 other threads. Something changed recently and I get the feeling most preferred the light/light option.
This SUCKS really bad. I had always kept my setting on the light/light. For my older eyes it's much easier.

Unless they can reinstate that option, I won't be here much in the future.
How about the crappy new layout? Huge column for the name on the left, huge column on the right for ads, and a time space for the substantive text left over. It SUCKS.
I’ve seen other forums go this route, flooded by irrelevance. Feels like it’s winding down with the new over commercialized format.