Is there a caliber or brand that hasn’t been recommended in this thread? Lol! Just goes to show that you can use just about anything and it all comes down to personal preference. When you say, “lightweight” what are you talking about - sub 6lbs, sub 7lbs, sub 8lbs? Is that including your scope or bare rifle? Keep in mind, a lightweight rifle is nice to carry but significantly more difficult to shoot accurately, particularly the further out you go, over a heavier one. Especially when it’s windy or you’re winded! It’s a balancing act. Personally, I’ll take a weight penalty for something I KNOW I can make a great shot in bad weather and under pressure.
Since you have plenty of budget, my first question would be whether you’re interested in a custom. If you are, I’d give Clayton at West Texas Ordnance a shout. Talk to him about building you a SwitchLug rifle that meets your parameters. That will use up your budget but you’ll end up with a rifle capable of shooting better than you (probably) can. There are some good builders mentioned but I’ve fallen in love with the SwitchLug system. The ability to change barrels/calibers with nothing more than an Allen wrench for no more money than any other custom is where it’s at, imo. Why NOT have the option to build your rifle for this hunt and then, when you have an opportunity to hunt something requiring a different barrel length or caliber, just call Clayton and have him spin you up a new barrel for your rifle? With the measurements he takes, he can spin your barrel and send it to you without you sending him the rifle; and it will be just as accurate as if you had sent it to him. One bolt rifle that can be configured to other calibers is now possible! Why be chained to one setup? Best of all, you can get used to ONE setup that can become a .223 for practice one minute, a 6.5PRC for backpack elk 2 minutes later and then a 30wsm for long range Nikgai the next? It’s very economical in the long run and you get to shoot one stock/scope setup all the time which makes for comfort/consistency.
His SwitchLug system can be adopted to most actions so you can chose most anything you want. He’s building me one on a a Bighorn SR3 (floating interchangeable bolt head) and another in a Tikka. After this season I’m sending him my custom Mike Bryant 6.5cm, built in a Deviant action, to be converted to the SwitchLug. I’ve shot a bunch of them and LOVED them. So, now I’m taking the plunge.
That 6.5PRC will be perfect for elk at the ranges you’re talking! It shines with shorter barrels. 22” is a great length for that caliber. Build something with a carbon barrel and an McMillan Edge filled stock and you should have no problem getting into your budget. Hope this helps.
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