New duplex slipping problems


Dec 18, 2013
willamette valley, Oregon
Ok so just wondering if anyone had an issues with the new duplex slipping down there back under load?
Heres what I did.... Got the new duplex frame with standard carbon stay and the arrow stays, did some training on the tread climber with the standard stays low weight no issues.

Took out the stays and put the arrows in for the up coming late season blacktail hunts, did about 5 miles today with a big ass rock in the cargo panel and felt like it was slipping down onto my butt putting pressure on my shoulders.

So was it the arrows making it more of a flat back duplex or was it the stupid rock?

Going to try the same thing tomorrow with the stays just to see! Yea I saved the big ass rock!
I haven't done much packing with heavy loads yet. But I spoke with Aron about how to get the composite stays out of the frame and he asked why.
He said it would be way more comfortable all around with heavy loads with the composite stays over the arrows.
Maybe the waist belt wasn't tight enough? Under heavy loads I really crank that belt down tight. That seems to solve slipping issues for me.
Oh it was tight, to the point It was starting to hurt. That was the first thing I did.... Love the pack and figured it was just the arrows, every other frame I've had had the standard back stays and never had an issue. Ill know more tomorrow!
Couple questions. What is considered a heavy load? Anything over 50lbs? And I'm having an adjustment issue while under load (about 60lbs) and it feels like the bottom of he frame and lumbar pad is level with the middle of my a&&. It's actually right where our tail should be. I have single arrows and felt OK. I still am not use to the frame, or feel and going to call Kifaru this week if I can't figure it out. I figure the best way to learn is to figure it out myself, but so far, I'm not having luck either.
I don't know exactly how much but would guess around 50-60 lbs, with my old duplex and old bikini with 50-60 plus lbs it would actually iterate my skin cause it never moved. I am about 90% sure it's the arrows, good thing they are only a few $$$
I had it mid back, I left the lower compression strap tight and centered it between the top two of the cargo panel, it wasn't the a more round than flat rock but everything seemed to suck up tight to my body.
I have found the new Ultralight duplex to be absolutely incredible. I have been doing my nightly walks with 50 lbs. Last night I uped it to 76lbs.I did have to tighten up the shoulder straps and everything else but it carried awesome. Heavy is heavy. There is no magical backpack. But Kifaru is the next best thing. Twice I found myself cranking in the waist belt for a bit more. It is what it is when the weight gets up there. I did a good 3-4/miles and could not have been happier. You may find yourself adjusting and readjusting to find the best fit. Once you do its the best there is.
Don't get me wrong there is absolutely nothing I don't love about this frame. I have loaned to a buddy that loved it and my dad is taking it for a late season cow tag in December. It's adjustability and all around comfort is second to none as far as I'm concerned.

I am just seeing if anyone has had this problem also so I don't have to carry that stupid rock another 5 miles tomorrow
A rock MAY not be the best??? I have a Stone Glacier loaded cell with corn. It fits perfectly along frame. I have it held securely with my new Mountain Rambler. It has a built in load panel. Agan, it does take adjustment upon adjustment as with any pack. What feels perfect with 40lbs will probably not with 80. Nature of the beast.
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I had the same thing happen with mine. With the aluminum stays its good, but with the arrows it slips. I had about 50-60lbs in mine while hiking in on my deer hunt. I had to keep cranking on the belt.
Make sure you got the stays back into the pockets on the waist belt after you swapped them out. I made the mistake of not getting mine in when my new duplex frame first arrived and I adjusted it but failed to put the stays back in their slots, and it slipped something fierce the first time I used it until I realized my error. I had some not so nice things to say about the new frame until we rectified the problem, as the first time I used it I helped Luke pack a full grown caribou down a mountain in one load. Not a good time to have your pack load slipping...totally my fault though.

Packed my share of 7+ Sitka blacktail back to camp on Kodiak a few weeks ago using the new duplex frame with arrow stays and the EMR2, and it carried great.
Make sure you got the stays back into the pockets on the waist belt after you swapped them out. I made the mistake of not getting mine in when my new duplex frame first arrived and I adjusted it but failed to put the stays back in their slots, and it slipped something fierce the first time I used it until I realized my error.

Are you talking about the large slot pocket on the back of the waist belt that slips over the bottom of the frame? Or the two stay pockets on the front of the waist belt? I have my waist belt attached to the frame with the large slot pocket as described before....but I can't figure out what the two stay pockets are for on the other side? Doesn't make any sense to me due to the fact that the stays (I have the arrows) run down the back of the frame and is covered with webbing so that there's no way to slip them in those slots. Am I missing anything?
Are you talking about the large slot pocket on the back of the waist belt that slips over the bottom of the frame? Or the two stay pockets on the front of the waist belt? I have my waist belt attached to the frame with the large slot pocket as described before....but I can't figure out what the two stay pockets are for on the other side? Doesn't make any sense to me due to the fact that the stays (I have the arrows) run down the back of the frame and is covered with webbing so that there's no way to slip them in those slots. Am I missing anything?

I need to double check my frame, but I believe those webbing covered stays/arrows need to slip back into the larger sleeve on the backside of the waist belt. Otherwise the waist belt ends up "floating" without being attached to the frame in any way. That's what happened to me. No matter how I cranked down on the waist belt or adjusted my load lifters, I felt like the load was sliding down my backside and putting all the weight on my shoulders. Once I put the stays back into the waist belt slots I could transfer some of the weight to my waist and get it off my shoulders.

**edited for clarity, see photos below**
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Something else to consider.... A round rock against the arrow stays may be forcing the arrows to flex away from your back in a C-shape which could also force the belt/lumbar pad away from the small of your back, making it do funny /uncomfortable things. Try getting a more uniform and rigid bag of sand/concrete and/or adding a second set of arrow stays. If that solves it, then keep that in mind when you are putting a load of meat on it and get it configured to reinforce the stays instead of pulling them in funky directions.
This is good info y'all!! While your talking and checking your frames, what are the two webbing loops (1 on each side) that kinda gets folded up when you Velcro up lumbar pad. I'm going to try and see what you guys are talking about now. I'm also new to these frames coming from a 2015 EXO
Ok, it's easier to explain with photos. When you run composite stays, they fit into the the little stay shaped pockets on the waist belt. When you switch over to arrows, the whole bottom of frame (with stays) slides into the sleeve of the waist belt and the stay pockets are empty.

When I set mine up initially, I didn't get the bottom of the frame back into the waist belt. A bonehead move for sure, but I was in a hurry. Won't make that mistake twice. I hadn't previously mentioned the issue because it was totally my fault, and I felt like an idiot. But if it could happen to me, I suppose it could happen to someone else too...
Ok, it's easier to explain with photos. When you run composite stays, they fit into the the little stay shaped pockets on the waist belt. When you switch over to arrows, the whole bottom of frame (with stays) slides into the sleeve of the waist belt and the stay pockets are empty.

When I set mine up initially, I didn't get the bottom of the frame back into the waist belt. A bonehead move for sure, but I was in a hurry. Won't make that mistake twice. I hadn't previously mentioned the issue because it was totally my fault, and I felt like an idiot. But if it could happen to me, I suppose it could happen to someone else too...

Becca, I could be completely off base as I don't have the new frame, but I don't think that is what those little stay pockets are for. If the arrows don't stick out of the frame sheet why would carbon or aluminium stick out? They occupy the same space.

I know there are tactical packs that use the duplex belt but don't have a frame sheet, so the stays actually go into those pockets.

Again could be wrong though.
Becca, I could be completely off base as I don't have the new frame, but I don't think that is what those little stay pockets are for. If the arrows don't stick out of the frame sheet why would carbon or aluminium stick out? They occupy the same space.

I know there are tactical packs that use the duplex belt but don't have a frame sheet, so the stays actually go into those pockets.

Again could be wrong though.

Thinking about it some more, I suspect you are exactly right. My frame came with arrows initially, so I never swapped the stays...just adjusted for height which is when I failed to get the frame back in the waist belt sleeve. I just assumed the little pockets were used for composite stays. Which it seems like they are, just not in this instance...

Thanks for clarifying, hope I didn't make this thread more confusing :)