New Bow Draw Cycle


Feb 21, 2016
Hey guys. Been awhile since I've upgraded my bow. I've gone from a Bowtech Tribute to a Mathews NoCam. I found them to be very similar draw cycles and now, it's what I look for a in a hunting bow. For those of you that stay up on the latest greatest, what are the current bows that are close to those draw cycles (assuming you're familiar)? I'm not a brand loyalist so there's nothing off the table for me. Just beginning my research and gives me a direction. Thanks in advance.
I wouldn't consider myself up to date on the latest and greatest. I am familiar with the no cam, not the tribute. I currently shoot a V3X and a botech revolt x (2020). I would say the bowtech revolt x is pretty close to the no cam. I also shot a PSE with evolve cam (2016 PSE Carbon Air), which was also similar. The evolve cam is on a lot of their current and recent bows, but looks for the smooth version. They make a few variants for speed, ect.. The V3x is great but it feels a bit more weight through the cycle when compared to those other bows. It feels like the V3x is pulls more weight at the front of the draw cycle is how I would describe it. I have also shot Elite as well. They make some good bows with a great draw cycle. I haven't shot their new stuff as my shop didn't have them to try. But I shot an Energy 35 series. The synergy was great. I have a friend who shoots the Enlist and swears buy it.
Your assessment seems to be pretty consistent with the other things I've heard. Thanks!
Not a new bow but I went from a No Cam to a Mathews Traverse after doing some research to find a similar draw. Very happy with it and it actually seems easier to draw the same weight compared to the No Cam
I recently bought a new old stock Elite Kure. The draw cycle on this bow is sweet. Mine is a 65 pound max and I would have no issues hunting at max poundage.

I also just bought the 2023 Prime Revex 4. Prime has really upped their game with this bow. I would call it pretty similar to the Evolve cam, with the Evolve cam taking an angled path to the valley, and the Prime more of a curve to the valley. The valley is very liberal, and if you creep you can easily recover to full draw. It doesn't try to rip your arm off on let down either. The Revex also puts the bow grip right in the center of the bow which makes it feel lighter and not top heavy.

I have owned or shot every major brand's flagship bow, and I find the Revex to be right there with them. It is less than 1 decibel louder than the Mathews Phase 4, has a much more forgiving cam, and is only 2 fps slower in actual testing. I highly recommend giving one a try. When I test shot it I was not expecting to like it. 2 days later it went home with me.

The Elite Omnia with smooth modules is another great shooting bow. I do not like it with speed mods at all.