new binoculars help

This is hard to believe honestly. I don’t think an EL vs something in the $500 range could do that given same magnification off a tripod..
My Cableas Outfitter HD's (Kamakura factory in Japan who reportedly also makes Conquest HD's) were plenty good enough to resolve a bull elk at 2.3 miles last October. Good enough even that we could tell they were bulls and probably even legal bulls. My buddy was using Leupold BX-4's and he could not tell that. He could only tell they were elk. So we got out my Nikon ED50, confirmed two of them were at least 4x4's and he went and killed one the next day.
Some guys have issues with the conquest’s fast focus. It can make it difficult to achieve the perfect in focus image esp considering the relatively shallow depth and flat curvature of field. The benefit/trade off of the field parameters is a best in class FOV (at least in 10x42). The fast focus I could personally do without which is how I ended up with some mavens even though I felt the Zeiss were optically superior.

In the end, it’s unlikely that your choice in binocular will change the course of your hunt when you’re talking $1000 glass. But hey this is Rokslide and guys get pretty into their gear and defensive of their OPINIONS...
I could not agree more with this post (although technically I think the Monarch HG's have a wider FOV)

Personally, the fast and light/smooth focus of the Conquest is a plus to me.
My Cableas Outfitter HD's (Kamakura factory in Japan who reportedly also makes Conquest HD's) were plenty good enough to resolve a bull elk at 2.3 miles last October. Good enough even that we could tell they were bulls and probably even legal bulls. My buddy was using Leupold BX-4's and he could not tell that. He could only tell they were elk. So we got out my Nikon ED50, confirmed two of them were at least 4x4's and he went and killed one the next day.

Maybe your buddy needs his eyes checked 🤓

In all seriousness I am a firm believer in the $1000 glass price point. Maybe if your buddy watched them for another minute or two it would have turned it’s head or walked out of the shade and he could have made out the antlers. Or he could have grabbed the spotter and made the ID. Or maybe not and the glass was critical. Personally (and this comes back to the point we are both making that optics are a very personal decision) until I experience a situation where I feel like my gear failed where the more expensive option would have resulted in success, I have a hard time upgrading. This is the same reason I use my trusty 30-06 and a sub $100 rangefinder. It works and hasn’t failed me yet. And to the original question posed I don’t think any of those bino options will fail the OP.

Goodness gracious we have discussed the hell out of this lol
Maybe your buddy needs his eyes checked 🤓

In all seriousness I am a firm believer in the $1000 glass price point. Maybe if your buddy watched them for another minute or two it would have turned it’s head or walked out of the shade and he could have made out the antlers. Or he could have grabbed the spotter and made the ID. Or maybe not and the glass was critical. Personally (and this comes back to the point we are both making that optics are a very personal decision) until I experience a situation where I feel like my gear failed where the more expensive option would have resulted in success, I have a hard time upgrading. This is the same reason I use my trusty 30-06 and a sub $100 rangefinder. It works and hasn’t failed me yet. And to the original question posed I don’t think any of those bino options will fail the OP.

Goodness gracious we have discussed the hell out of this lol
LOL my buddy needs his head checked alright. ;) (he would tell you the same about me!)

We both had our glass on tripods and when he looked through my binocs, he could see the headgear. I looked through his and then understood why he couldn't. BTW I was birding this morning with my Cabelas bins and and they are spectacular at delivering real-world images. Nothing I saw this morning left me wanting for better glass.

You and I agree on the "until I can blame my gear" point, and the $1K price point for glass. I think it's the sweet spot for optics right now.

And it's optics so we're going to continue beating this horse a long time! LOL
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Hi everyone I am looking for a new set of binoculars for deer and elk hunting. I currently have leupold bx-4 pro guide hds, they are great binos, but after a while of glassing they start to strain my eyes.
I need help from you guys on how good leica, zeiss, and kowas are compared to swaro slc. where im from the swaro, leupold, and vortex are the only choices i have to check out. prefer 8x42 or 10x42.

currently look at:
swarovski slc
leica trinovid hd
zeiss conquest hd
kowa genesis
price range is around 1000$, will go up a couple hundred if need be.

I can get the Zeiss conquest hd open box new for 760$ probably less if bought used and 1000$ new for the trinovids. heard good things on bird forum about Kowa prominar optics, but cant find many used.
trying to decide if I should just get the conquest, trinovids or just wait for a good deal on the slcs or genesis in the classifieds.
willing to buy used also.

what did you end up purchasing?