I need to find one of those Anthyms to shoot Rodney, it stretches out for me!
I think it would a good option for people with severe disabilities to get out during archery season. Other than that it should only be allowed during an any weapon season.
I am all for then letting people with a SEVERE disability use a rifle for all seasons but a lot of states are not. They would rather see them use a crossbow. This is pretty much a crossbow that is easier to load in my mind.No way am I trying to argue your point but if you need a gizmo like this to hunt why not just use a rifle? IMHO this should in no way be an acceptable replacement for a bow.
Sneaky it's OK to exclude someone that can't meet the minimum requirements. Most states accept crossbows for medical exceptions including utah. Utah is a whore for money so I'm sure crossbow isn't far away as soon has uba sells out and accepts it.
Crossbows are perfect for entitlement believers get all the benefits without any of the effort required by everyone else.
Chronologically and behaviorally...
The modern recurve gave way to the compound...which directly led to the modern crossbow...which will lead to another archery season weapon. Maybe it's the airbow. The compound assumed instant dominance over regular bows. In states where legal (and given enough time) the crossbow eventually dominates the compound statistically. In Ohio the crossbow kill is by far the majority of deer taken in archery seasons. That number increases every year, as Ohio does track crossbow kills separately from other weapons. Guys don't choose crossbows because they are more challenging. Crossbows are attractive because they make it easier to kill animals in archery season vs the use of compounds and regular bows. That is the primary reason for their overwhelming popularity in many states.
Somewhere up ahead is another weapon which will likely use crossbows as a stepping stone to acceptance. That's how it works. We're not evolving toward bigger, difficult, longer and more cumbersome...think smaller, faster, easier and needing less practice. You've seen it in compounds. You've seen it in crossbows. You'll see it in nextweapons.
Anyone here want to really believe that compounds and crossbows will be THE weapons of archery seasons in another 25 years? 40 years?
Wyoming... How many hunters are using crossbows during archery?
The % is low compared to trad and compounds.. Why? Because the crossbow is not a great weapon for the back country... Several disasvantages.