Need workout program/ routine... any ideas?


Feb 27, 2014
Try Madbarz. Its a body weight workout website, all you need is a pull up bar. Theres also a lot of other body weight or calisthentics work out information online and good books on Amazon. I think calisthentics is a great strength training method. Just have to do a little research and learn about the progression to make the basic body weight exercises harder as you get stronger.


Feb 24, 2016
San Antonio, TX
Note to self, ease into a new workout routine when you've been off a little while. My body is wound up tighter than a new rubber band ball


Feb 24, 2015
113 has a wealth of information and programs. I like it MUCH better than and Ive gone from 135 with 18% body fat to 185 10% bf in about 1.5 years and can do sub 24 min 5k. gained good weight and cardio was much better. win win in my book. again phenomenal site.


Feb 25, 2012
I second Insanity Max 30. The original Insanity is another good program. P90X3 is the newest iteration of P90X and it has 30 minute workouts. Tony also came out with 22 minute hard corps which has 22 minute workouts (I haven't done it) I just finished the Master's Hammer and Chisel also from beach body. I thought it was a good program, not as cardio intensive as Insanity series, but a lot of good balance workouts. So along with the at home workouts from beach body, I saw cross fit and workouts from were mentioned. Those are good options.

What equipment do you have available?

Low back pain could also be caused by tight hip flexors.


Jul 11, 2013
So, no one has mentioned the train to hunt program. It sounds like that is exactly the type of workout you are looking for . you should be able to secure the equipment needed as its mostly sandbags and a pack. Throw in a tire and a kettlebell and you should be set.


Oct 22, 2015
About a month into Joe Defranco's Built like a Badass, awful name for a program I know,but he has solid routines. Essentially a push, pull, legs routine with barbell complexes at the end. I added some rotator cuff work and a two long cardio sessions a week and have been some great results.
Mar 15, 2016
Boulder, Wy.
individuals need motivation in some shape or form

i have found mine, here is what works for me
most important,,,
i eat very good, many times each day, i eat fat, no carbs, no sugars,, lots of meats, veggies, some fruit,
you are what you eat, it is so true, if you are not eating good why work out so hard , once i changed my eating habits i don't need to work out as hard to get fantastic results
i walk every day, usually 3 miles, with a pack (35lbs) we have a very nice hill that i climb up and down several times.
when the weather is warm i will ride my mt bike for 5-7miles with the same 35lb pack on, i love to ride the bike, its the best cardio for me and a great change of pace compared to walking, i like to do this at least 4 times a week as well as the walk. i feel my best when doing this.
i do work out at home as well
i have been doing these Gill workouts for many many years now, but they work.. i do this 2 times a week usually, the other days i change it up and will do some burpee, always crunches , i have a bowflex as well, i will use it a couple days a week, i also have some free weights i will utilize too, even do a little yoga every once in awhile

i try to change it up every day as far as the workouts go
but the one constant is the walks and the bike rides
once the weather gets above 65 i will walk and ride every day, i can ride 7 miles in 30 minutes and get a great cardio workout

i cannot stress enough the benefit of walking/riding with a weighted pack on every day. its amazing how easy it makes september for me...

this is all free to me and at my doorstep which is the most appealing to me.

i like to feel like if i can motivate myself at home to do these things it will be easier to motivate myself when I'm in the mountains hunting those beautiful elk that are so hard to find sometimes

hope this helps someone or motivates them

good luck
May 6, 2012
You would be shocked how the following will help at any level of fitness. Simple, super short and will get you fit.

3x per week + 1x per week Sprint + 1x Long steady hike/weighted pack/walk + Have fun 2x per week but remain active
1. Pushups
2. Pullups (you can buy a $15 pull up bar)
3. Planks and Ab work
4. Body Squats
Jul 28, 2014
I really like it so far. I add in more cardio than the routine calls for along with running daily. I'm not trying to build body mass as much as I'm trying to build functional strength.

Nice work , ive been doing cardio acceleration between sets that corresponds to the Train to hunt obstacles. Whatever lift it calls for then burpees , box steps , kb high pulls , get ups , then get straight back to lifts no rest.
Aug 20, 2016
OK, thanks for the additional info. I probably won't be able to join any gym. There isn't a cross fit gym where I live. I'm in a smaller town in the mountains. The closest one would probably be 45 mins from me. Sounds great but with my shift work schedule, it just isn't gonna happen. I really need something to do at home in my basement. I do stay active and right now it's snow shoeing, and down hill skiing. So cardio isn't as big of a concern as some strength training. Keep the recommendations coming... something has to fit!
I think a lot of people on here missed the "shift work" remark. Your best bet is to find someone that is on the same shift as you to exercise with. Or at least someone that has the same days off as you.

And yes it matters that people work shift work. You can only imagine the discussions I've had with doctors who tell me "take this at bedtime" HA

Just my 2 cents and worth the price charged.
Jan 8, 2013
Id recommend getting a workout cage to keep it safe and simple for a program. DL, Squat, bike for lower body, Bench, various dumbbell raises, pull up, abs, punching bag for upper body. Get 300lbs of rack weight, 20, 40, 60 dumbbells. Alternate leg / upper body days twice per week. Alternate 5x5 and 3x8 for sets during the week. Adjust weight to fail on the final set. Add weight as you progress.

That, or do Turkish getups.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Sep 12, 2015
New Mexico
I am literally in the exact same spot as the OP. Just turned 40 and feel like I need to start doing something to keep my body maintained better than I have in the past. Hate working out, etc.
I've been hesitant to do anything on my own for fear of getting it wrong and damaging something rather than helping. I've decided to start working with a personal trainer. I'm sure there are cheaper routes, but my goal is to learn how to do things correctly and then be able to do them on my own with maybe a monthly check-in to keep my motivation up and get some variation in my routine. Our first visit for a consultation and assessment laid out my expectations and I've got somebody who is has a flexible enough business model to allow me to do things the way I want as far as frequency of paid sessions, etc. Just another suggestion of an option that I don't think has been brought up yet.


Mar 24, 2017
Nike Training Club App or check out Human Fit Project. Lots of good, varying workouts and programs to follow


Jun 10, 2017
Gilbert, AZ
I would STRONGLY recommend you check out The #1 Six Pack Abs and Muscle Building Workout Program | Get 6 Pack Abs. The founder of the website is a Sports Physical Therapist, and his exercises are based heavily around muscle and strength buidling, but they also focus heavily on correcting muscular imbalances in the body. That is especially true if you select a beginner program. The main issue with many of the training programs out there is they completely ignore the imbalances people have (i.e. rounded shoulders, pelvis tilt, forward head, etc) or they assume you have eliminated those imbalances before starting the program. A huge red flag is any training program that includes olympic lifts (i.e. squats, deadlifts, squat thrusts) right out of the gate. You can also check out Athlean-X on youtube and he shows you lots of stuff for free. Be very cautious of any personal trainer, box gym or crossfit gym that doesn't have people with proper certifications on hand. Not to pick on crossfit gyms because standard gyms are just as bad, but if the entire facility has nothing more than a Level 1 crossfit coach on hand, steer clear. I can promise you it takes a lot longer than a weekend to learn even the basics of exercise science and muscular physiology. I only know that because my Kinesiology degree took 4 years to earn, and my NASM certification took another 6 months. :D