need NV early archery sugestions


Aug 30, 2012
I have 5pts and want to use them next yr on an early archery hunt. I just want to spend them wisely. Units I am looking at include 111-113, 221-223, 131-134, 231, area 6, etc. Am I on the right track? Any other units I should consider? In what order should I rank my 5 choices? I don't necessarily need giants, just decent numbers of mature bucks ideally. Would welcome a wilderness pack in too, though not mandatory. I'd especially like to hear from those who archery hunted NV this year. Anyone burn several points? Were you happy with your choice? Thanks!


Mar 5, 2012
Prescott, Az
Guided or unguided? Word is that there will be major tag cuts next year, after this years fiasco. A few of those units will be a long shot with 5 points. You can share your points with me and i'll tell you where we're going.... Ed F


Apr 29, 2012
I personally would scratch the 131, drew my lope tag there this year and didnt see alot for quantity of deer.

My choices typically go.
23 (high numbers good bucks)
22 (same. different terrain than above)
261 (low numbers good bucks really tough hunt. Close to home doubt ill ever draw it.)
111 ( good numbers good bucks but they never seem to be in the same vicinity. Scouted it alot. Seen big deer a plenty come season they move on)
101 ( tough to say, after this seasons tag numbers. Although alot of folks dont know how to truly hunt the unit its a high altitude hunt with good bucks but its one of those " i gotta go further and harder than the the 5 guys i have passed on the trailhead in front of me" type of hunts.)

I have heard the northern areas like 6 have good deer but for me its a 10 hour jaunt to get up there. Tough to scout and feel confident about hunting there are a couple reno natives lurking around maybe they will chime in on those units.
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Slim Jim

Jun 7, 2012
Las Vegas, NV
I would go 231 first, 6 second, 111-113 third, and 241 for fourth choice. I would consider looking at 81 as well. It is supposedly a better rifle hunt but good bucks come out of there with early archery. JMO
Feb 26, 2012
Elko Nevada
I have lived in Elko area for 17 years, always hunt unit 6 archery. Next year I will not be hunting 6, worst year I've seen plus their are 1700 early 6 rifle tags this year that won't help anything. I myself wondering what to put in for next year.
Apr 10, 2012
Rancho Cordova, CA
There are no good bucks in 231. Ulmner shot them all. There is a picture of his buck from this year floating around somewhere on this sight. He usually goes back to this unit EVERY YEAR. In all honusty, very good unit, but it is a unit you need to spend your time scouting and sitting on a good deer if you find one. Garth Carter also sends a lot of his buddies that can afford land owner tags to this unit. Only reason I am telling you this is because I want you to know there will be some "high rollers", and there guides, on the hill with you if you pull this tag. Make sure you spends a much time as possible, in different areas.

Slim Jim

Jun 7, 2012
Las Vegas, NV
Fire arrow is right about 231 on scouting. It is a very dense juniper area so glassing is limited. You need to get out there and just drive around and glass small clearings everywhere until you locate some good bucks then stay on top of them to see their daily routines. Completely different hunting than high country alpine basin mulies.

Mule crazy is right about 6 as well. Trophy quality next year will probably not be as good as previous years but they give a ton of tags out for area 10 each year and I always manage to locate some great bucks in the backcountry, you just have to be willing to hunt harder than the next guy.


Aug 30, 2012
Unguided. 231 with 5 pts is still a total crap shoot so I'm not at all getting excited about the prospects of drawing. Good info about some of the other units. Time is at a precious premium for me with 2 difficult little kids at home wearing out Mama, and being from SoCal, the southern NV units are more appealing for scouting purposes than the northern units like 6, 7, and 8. Not sure what I'm going to do, but thanks for the info.