I will do that soon. I did take a look at my arrows and found I do have some contact on the bottom fletchings with my rest.
I believe you said you were shooting a QAD drop away. The co tact can be caused by a couple things I suggest you check. First is timing of the rest. Some people like the timed to rise at the end of the draw cycle so they drop early. Others like them holding the arrow longer. Either way you should conform the rest is rising all they way near the end of the draw cycle?
Are you shooting blaze vanes or another high profile vane and nock down?They can be tough to get to clear unless nock travel is slightly high. Rotate them up if you have the containment arm removed and try that. Foot spray or baby powder on the rest helps I’d contact.
Lastly, when the rest drops do the prongs hit or rest shelf on the riser? If so your rest might be too low and you could be getting bounce back. I have seen this on slow mo video with the Mathews version. I also helped my uncle id this problem. I believe you should have a little space between the prongs when down and riser shelf.
Hope this helps.
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