I am curious about this comment that was made earlier.------"If you want to go way North, then earlier would be fine. I like seeing hundreds of animals a day, but I also like seeing big ones. "
Can you elaborate on that. We want to see hundreds as well. We would probably rather deal with cool weather than bugs. Is that possible? Thanks again for all the help.
it's grim. unless you have coin to drop on zero to 25% success, don't do it, IMO.
maybe if you can wait until mid september long the haul rd, but no exciting news to offer. slim pickins fo sho.
I am curious to what you mean by this comment as well? My group has time to adjust if necessary, we have not committed with any transport as of yet. This is the first time I have heard anyone say to shy away from the Brooks for caribou, and potentially look later and off the Haul Rd.