It will probably stop the arrow, but it will also most likely cause some problems to your FMJ's as well. I tried some FMJ's several years ago at our club when they had Pacific Target butts with those heavy rubber stall mats on the back side of them. Within 3 weeks the front 6-8" of those FMJ's wobbled like crazy.
Not a perfect solution but my yellow lab will stop and sniff the arrows most of the time. I watch her and have found countless arrows. works more than not
I was ready to get a stall mat until I read this.
NOT FOR BROADHEADS THOUGH! I've done that, ugh! 50# plastic dog food(or horse feed) bags work well, takes awhile to fill them. I have several around and they stop arrows with target tips right now. And they are about the size of a deer vital area. Homemade silhouette targets with sticks for legs and limbs for horns.Fill a garbage bag with plastic wrap and grocery bags. It'll stop anything and when it's shot up.....put it in a new bag.