I wanted to share some photos and the story of my wife’s first bull on our Idaho back country hunt. It was a 3 hour hike into our base camp. The hunting was tough even though we were in elk every day. Most of the bull were one and done. We would get one bugle then nothing. We tried everything, cow calling, passive bugles, aggressive bugles, still hunting, spot and shot and just covering lots of ground. Nothing was working for the first six days. Thank god for lucky number seven. At day light I started out with some cow calls, nothing. Then a locator bugle. BANG, a full out aggressive bugle. We moved up the ridge, positioning my wife up ahead about 70 yrds. She motioned that she could see an elk. I let out a few more cow calls. She went to full draw and a few seconds later the arrow was gone. She had just made and excellent shot on her first bull. I went down to where the bull had been standing and found her arrow. She had also gotten her first pass through. When she got to me I turned and spotted her bull lying just 50 yrds away. I just want to say CONGRATULATIONS to my wife Rose.