My new Tikka t1x.. suppressor recommendations?


Nov 23, 2023
I just finished setting up my Tikka t1x .22. does anyone have any suppressor recommendations that aren't overly expensive? Main use is pest control out of my back window, 50ish yard shots. Also here's a shot of my new gun, really loving KRG bravo stock. It's wearing a vortex 4-16 x 44 which is meh but works for what I'm doing. 1000001980.jpg
Been a huge fan of my dead air mask.

In all honesty 22 is incredibly easy to suppress. Get something that is made by a reputable company, lightweight, and easy to disassemble for cleaning. Lots of good options in the 22 world
No complaints on my only rimfire can, a Dead Air Mask. The TBAC Takedown looks awesome. Great company.
I have a mask, with another one in jail, but if I was buying today, it would be an Otter Creek Titanium. Same performance as mask, but lighter and easier to clean.
I have a couple nyx cans in jail. Been almost a year since I bought them and still have not got to try them. Reasonably cheap, around 500, Ti so they are light. The mod 2 version has one more baffle and thus a bit quieter on 17 hmr.
Pretty much any rimfire silencer is going to be good on a 22 bolt action, especially if you use sub sonic ammo. If you use regular ammo, you might not really notice that you have a silencer.

I have a dead air mask 22 and a banish 22. I like the dead air but the banish 22 is lighter and easier to clean since its full titanium. That being said, I've soaked the stainless mask baffles in CLR and had no issues, I just don't soak them as long as I would the titanium baffles. I think I soaked the stainless baffles like 45 minutes and was able to fairly easily get the build up off. The titanic baffles, I might soak overnight and not worry about it.

If I was getting a 22 silencer today, I'd get the TBAC takedown 22, I think its still one of th best out there, the dead air mask is also top notch but again, any 22 silencer is going to be fine on a bold action rifle, I wouldn't even hesitate to just get a sparrow and call it a day.
I went with a SilencerCo Swithback, but she's in jail right now. It will go on a T1x, as well as my Mark IV.
I am trying to forget about it and just be suprised whe the stamp comes in, but it is hard every week when I drive by the LGS that has it sitting there with my name on it.
TBAC 22 TD or Dead Air Mask. Both have treated me well.
Those are two of the best rimfire cans you can get, can't go wrong with either of those.

I have two older TBAC rimfire cans and two SC Banish 22 cans. The Banish 22 is a pretty good rimfire suppressor but to my ears they seem to have a little more FRP then the 22TD or DA Mask and the Banish costs more. The Banish 22 is a good can but if I was in the market for a new rimfire can it'd be the TBAC 22TD first followed closely by the DA Mask.
I went with a Surefire mini as I use the suppressor on both handguns and rifles. It is 4” long, weighs 4 ounces. It is a discontinued model, have owned it for years. It provides decent sound reduction. What I really like about it, is there is virtually no POI shift. One of the rifles I use it on is a Tikka 1x in .17HMR.

If I was buying a rimfire suppressor today, would focus on one of the modular cans. Would provide length and weight flexibility, which would allow ease of use on a variety of firearms.

tinued model, have owned it for years. It provides decent sound reduction. What I really like about it, is there is virtually no POI shift. One of the rifles I use it on is a Tikka 1x in .17HMR.

If I was buying a rimfire suppressor today, would focus on one of the modular cans. Would provide length and weight flexi
Modular is what I was looking for in my first can. Being used on rifle and pistol is why I went with the Switchback. That and the LGS that I trust is big on them.
I like the Rugged Mustang. Super quiet, easy to clean and a no questions asked warranty. Their customer service is second to none. IMG_8893.jpegIMG_8256.jpeg