I think the environmentalist comments were directed towards those who refuse to trim defensible space around homes. That's not something limited to CA or this fire in particular. Everyone wants to be tucked out of sight, but that adds a whole new set of challenges when things go south. Doesn't matter one damn bit where the fire started, that whole part of the state is one big tinder box from lack of rain. I had a conversation with an officer on Beale AFB that said they have had fires started from hawks flying into power lines and catching the grass on fire when they hit the ground. That's about as dry as it gets. This was just the nightmare scenario for a fire, and it unfortunately came true.There is so much shitty info about this fire. And starting to see it even in this thread..Most of the fire (about 98%) on the first couple days it blew up occurred on private land that has been intensely logged and in fact burned 10 years ago. To read comment sections you would think it was all old growth forest that was all beetle killed and sitting there waiting t to be logged but held up by environmentalists. That just isn’t true... of course now we learn that if we had just raked our leaves like they do in Finland this would not have occurred.
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