My Henry Mt deer hunt


Apr 12, 2016
I really enjoyed your whole story, from beginning to end. These "Once in a Lifetime" tags are awesome but they come with enormous pressure. The way you approached this tag was great to see as it unfolded, and I think you did it 100% the right way, both through your preparation and execution. That's a stud of a buck, and it was well earned, congrats!


Mar 16, 2020
Thank you for the great read. Following along with your hunt was great. Congratulations on a beautiful buck. I love the character in his horns.


Nov 28, 2015
Great story and beautiful buck. I've never followed this forum here before but glad I found this. One of the highlights of my life was a cow bison tag I drew in the Henry's. They really are a special place and I loved revisiting them through your story and pics. Congratulations!!!
Aug 14, 2016
I remember seeing this thread this spring when you first posted and somehow I have missed it until now..... Henrys was one of my favorite places to go glass and shed hunt years ago. I rarely make it down that way anymore so im always glad to see pics from others! You killed a great buck! This year was hard for antler growth for sure and you killed a stud!


Sep 2, 2024
I was lucky enough to draw one of the few random muzzleloader deer tags for the Henry Mountains this year. Never did I think it would happen. I even had thoughts this year that I should just draw the Book Cliffs tag and go hunting. Boy am I glad I didn't decide to go that route. Growing up in WI I read of the Paunsaugunt and Henry Mountains deer. Cannot believe Ill be hunting the Henry's.

On a side note my wife also drew a LE elk tag. What a year!

I figured there are a few people that would like to follow along on this, basically, once in a life time experience so, I will try to keep this thread going. I am not expecting to have cell reception once I get out there but, I will keep posting here as I can. This is not a live hunt so much as an ongoing hunt story so I hope it does not violate the rules.

My first 2 priorities are a new .45 cal muzzleloader to try and extend my range and an upgrade to my spotting scope so I have the best opportunity to find that "one" deer. My 3rd priority is to find some BH209 powder. I was not planning to muzzleloader hunt this year so I am not prepared. I was focused on archery this year as I was planning to draw an archery elk tag in WY. Luckily, the Utah CC hits came just in time to withdraw that application.

My first trip out there is planned for the weekend of July 4th. This is probably the first year in many that my wife did not have camping plans booked some place. For some reason this year she just said we will wait and see what comes up. Well, something came up. I would have had to make an executive decision if she had made plans. I plan to scout as time allows, for sure again over Labor Day weekend and a few more quick trips. Season opens Sept 29th and closes Oct 7th. I plan to head out the 25th giving me 3 full days of scouting before the opener. Thank goodness I carried over a week of vacation from last year.

So, I hope I can post up some good stuff here and some of you can get some entertainment out of my adventure.
Sounds great!