My GSP puppy dies at a Kennel

well picked up my pup... much harder to see dead all frozen instead of excited to see me , than I thought. I went through the whole story again from the kennel owner and did my investigation work and examined her as much as I could. To my knowledge she physically looks fine on the outside, even looks like she gained a bit of weight and got taller. The owner was ok to deal with and at the end of it all I have the gut feeling that he didn’t have anything to do with it. He didn’t offer to pony up and help with necropsy but said he will work with his vet to see if they could get me in and at a better price should I want to do that. Told me boys tonight and that’s probably been the worst part but I’m gonna sleep on all of it and give his vet a call to see what the details are. Seeming more and more that there aren’t great options and it might best to say out goodbyes and move on. We shall see

Sorry to hear this, it really sucks. I've been following through this and thinking about what I'd do.

I've come back to what is your goal in the end. One end of the spectrum is if you find out that the dog was injured there... do you want a replacement paid for by the kennel? Refund of kennel fees? It is no small expense to get the dog to that point. If that is the case then you need the work done. If you aren't going to push it, then just move on.

I'd be pissed and want answers, but I think a wiser man might just move on...
Sorry to hear this, it really sucks. I've been following through this and thinking about what I'd do.

I've come back to what is your goal in the end. One end of the spectrum is if you find out that the dog was injured there... do you want a replacement paid for by the kennel? Refund of kennel fees? It is no small expense to get the dog to that point. If that is the case then you need the work done. If you aren't going to push it, then just move on.

I'd be pissed and want answers, but I think a wiser man might just move on...
Yeah I’ve ultimately decided that even if I found something on the kennel. I don’t think I want to spend the $1000 on the retainer fee for an attorney or keep rehashing the death of my pup for 6 months and all to end up trying to get the $800 back that I had in her. I definitely didn’t pay him for his kennel fee. I
And I’ve found some closure in that talking to him eye to eye I don’t feel that he did anything even though I truly don’t know what happened
Looking for someone that maybe has been in this scenario or knows more about this process to help counsel me through what to do next. My family and i travel back to visit family over Thanksgiving and have my dog boarded by Fetch This Kennels in Payette, ID who came recommended from very trusted friends and another dog trainer. puppy is 5mths old clean bill of health and has been in the field with me running and chasing birds since the day i picked her up. two weeks goes by with me checking in about every other day in which they responded promptly. then i let a few days go by over the holidays and then checked in this past Saturday with no response until yesterday evening in which to inform me that my dog was out running with a couple of his older dogs, yelps once or twice and then falls over and dies deader than a hammer. so after my anger and shock i gather myself and try to figure out what to make of this. There are obvious lots of questions, but I am still in TN so i am waiting to get back to get her body and possibly an necropsy done. The way he is sounding is i am basically ****** out of all my financial investement with this dog and he isnt going to compensate me for her or pay to even have the vet do a necropsy. I am trying to give benefit of doubt but there is just something fishy about him when he presents this story and 5 mth old puppies with good health dont just fall over and die. he is obviously trying to sell me on some sort of heart condition but she went through all her vet puppy visits easy peasy. Also called the breeder for info about the other litter mates and some friends that had dogs from them and so far they are perfectly healthy and on track in their training.
so share your thoughts and if any of you have been in this boat before how did you proceed
That's not nice.
Sorry dude.
Heart, poison bite, ate something it shouldn't have like a cheap dog chew, or the story is totally fake...
Puppies can do this, (die for seemingly no reason). It's hard to accept and even harder when it happens like this.

I don't board my dogs, but that's not to say it shouldn't or isn't safe to do so.
I'm just to much of a c**t to trust people I don't know personally.
That's not nice.
Sorry dude.
Heart, poison bite, ate something it shouldn't have like a cheap dog chew, or the story is totally fake...
Puppies can do this, (die for seemingly no reason). It's hard to accept and even harder when it happens like this.

I don't board my dogs, but that's not to say it shouldn't or isn't safe to do so.
I'm just to much of a c**t to trust people I don't know personally.
Ok cool. Hook em 🤘