My friend has presented me with a hard choice...what would you do?

Flip the scenario and think what you would hope/expect if you had the tags and he has yet to kill an elk. If you would expect him to join you, that’s your answer.
I would probably go the Arizona route, but for any future hunts I would have a clear understanding that "I" am going hunting period.
If he’s a really good friend, I’d go with him on the Az elk hunt.

But- only if he really puts in 100% pre-season to get in shape, study maps or go out there scouting, and really puts in the time with his bow.

If he’s only going to put in half effort and expect you to do it all for him, I’d get him a list of outfitters and wish him well.

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If he's a good friend, I'd go to Arizona. However, It sounds like a recipe for a flop. It sounds obvious that he's bit off more than he can chew. I'd be prepared for him to bail on his hunt early if things get tough. Too many would be Western hunters bail before the end of a hunt when they realize it isn't a Primos style hunt. I hope I'm wrong and it goes great, but I'd be prepared to go to CO if he backs out part way through.

In addition, the two of you need to get on the same page about when and where with your application strategy if you plan to continue traveling West together.

Hunting out west on the road doesn't always work between "friends" unless you are like minded and have similar goals and willingness to work. A couple weeks away from family in the backcountry cooped up with a "friend" can cause little things that irritate you to become big problems.

He's not that type of dude that quits and he's probably already did more research on the area by now than most people do for a hunt. I wasn't asking because I think he'll puss out on me or leave me playing outfitter. He'll be prepared no doubt. My only worry is he might make a bad shot when his nerves are redlined but anyone can do that and I intend to work on that with him. Like with a cattle prod or something lol.
He'll be prepared no doubt. My only worry is he might make a bad shot when his nerves are redlined but anyone can do that and I intend to work on that with him. Like with a cattle prod or something lol.

Sounds like y’all have some shooting to do then. If he’s prepared like you say and I was in your spot and didn’t have a tag drawn, I would go with him (on the elk hunt- but I’m not that into pronghorn).

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A good friend wouldn’t have applied for hunts without you and then expected you to go with him.
If that’s what happened, it’s an easy choice...I’d be toting my new bow across the Colorado mountainside.
It would be awesome to share the experience with your friend. BUT at the same time as hunting "buddies" it's odd to me that you guys weren't putting it apps together and doing so in completely different states at that. It would be really hard for me to go all things considered, but odds are even though your not the shooter you'll probably never be for that state and species so it's still a once in a lifetime hunt. Plus you get to split the meat as you should.
As long as you can still deer hunt around your home state I would go. That way you hopefully still get to use your new bow.
Just curious... how did that play out? More of just a "where did you put in this year?" Type of Phone call?

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Man, that's a tough one.

I have a friend like that, and last fall I did a ton to help him take his first elk, and then quartered it for him on the mountain and helped him pack it out, yada, yada, yada.

I have to agree if he's that good of a friend, he wouldn't have been putting in for tags without you. So I think there's your answer.

My first elk hunt was with a good hunting buddy. Good enough that we split the cost of the tag and drew straws at the counter (OTC hunt). He hunted, I helped. He would have been happy to do the same for me because he always pulls his own weight. That's what a good hunting buddy does. Everyone else is just a buddy.
I'd agree with the opinions given. If he's a good friend, go help him! Then when you do draw that LE tag you'll have a friend that owes you one. 😉
You'll still learn a lot even if you're not the shooter. Good luck to both of you!
He's not that type of dude that quits and he's probably already did more research on the area by now than most people do for a hunt. I wasn't asking because I think he'll puss out on me or leave me playing outfitter. He'll be prepared no doubt. My only worry is he might make a bad shot when his nerves are redlined but anyone can do that and I intend to work on that with him. Like with a cattle prod or something lol.

In that case, I'm not sure why you are questioning whether to hunt with him. Go to Arizona and have a great hunt. I look forward to the following up photos.
I pretty much just want adventure, meat, and to get my hands bloody. Way better chance of all that in AZ. I know where I would go.

Plus packing your first elk out in AZ will be a good trainer for CO.
I think I would be heading to AZ to help him out on the elk hunt, but under the stipulation that if you want to hunt together again you are putting in for tags together in states, especially if he's that damn lucky! I think you will have the change to get into more elk in AZ which might give you a chance to learn a lot more than you would in CO. You can go elk hunting in CO every year, AZ not so much
I'd be going to AZ. You will likely have 5x the opportunity at elk encounters on the AZ hunt vs the otc hunt. Will give you both the chance to interact and learn how to elk hunt. You could go a few hunts in CO without many encounters until you learn the area.
I'm drawing on decades of friendship here, but myself and my best hunting bud would drop other hunts for the hard to draw tag. It's pretty comforting to have someone you trust packing the spotting scope and being the voice of reason and encouragement. mtmuley
If he's the kind of buddy that would be there for you then I would be in AZ with him. If he's not someone that you could count on, I would wish him good luck and do your own thing.
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Thats a tough one but I think I'd be heading to colorado sounds like yall had a plan and he ditched it when something better came up. I dont like to take away from anyone's time hunting and I tend to expect the same in return.
As it were, this year I am "that guy". My two buddies and I have been archery elk hunting together the past 4 seasons(been friends for 10-20years) and have made two 20 day trips out west drawing as a party. This year I threw my name in the hat for AZ with no intentions of drawing and walking away with a point. Turns out, during the heart of september I will be chasing elk with my bow. The meat is an important aspect to all of us and we rely on filling 2 or 3 tags a year with deer, elk, and bear to feed our families. When I found out I drew I solemnly had to go to the boys and tell them what had happened and that I did not at all expect them to come down with me. They will be chasing elk elsewhere together while I solo it on the tag I personally elected to apply for. I would have encouraged them to not come with unless they were very adamant. If the coin were flipped, they would do the same. We have all eaten game since we were kids and have no intentions of buying meat. If it is that level of important to you, then go about your business and fill your tag. If its in the cards then get a late season rifle tag and tag along with him. I hope for his and my sake it is the opportunity of a lifetime. If not, head into the hills amd get it done. He should understand.
Follow me on this one, it's a bit of a story. So I'm still pretty new to elk hunting. Been to Colorado twice for 3rd rifle and 1st rifle, and I've found elk both times, but they've either been right over the fence on private land or the wrong sex for my tag. My buddy has been wanting to come with me, so this year we were planning going out to Colorado for archery season where I went last year for his first elk hunt. We both have also starting building some points in some states, and he has this infatuation with Arizona. But instead of just buying the points, he applied for hunts.

Now my buddy is the luckiest SOB I know. By some stroke of black magic, on his first attempt with 0 points, he drew an AZ antelope tag. It was something like a .1% chance of drawing. So we changed our plans that half way through our elk hunt, he would leave and drive down to AZ for his antelope hunt, and I'd continue bowhunting in Colorado. Then the seemingly statistically impossible happens...he also drew a unit 4A archery elk tag on a leftover draw. Now he realizes that he is going to need help on these hunts, as he has never hunted elk before and his only back country experience has been a back country fly fishing trip in the summer, and wants me to come with him and forgo my own hunt, but he did offer to split the meat 50/50.

So herein lies my dilemma. Do I wish my friend good luck even though he bit off more than he could chew and go pursue my own goal of also killing my first elk? After coming close for two years, my determination to shoot one is as high as it ever was, and I also bought a brand new Hoyt Helix specifically to go after rutting elk this year. I'm dying to pull the trigger on one and finally cross that hurdle. ... Or do I put my pride and my own goals aside, realize that this is a rare opportunity to go hunt AZ and probably wouldn't draw that tag for a long long time like most people, and go assist my buddy and call for him? The chances of success seem to say that we have a better chance of coming home with half an elk each than me going by myself in Northern CO and getting one myself. He is also new to archery as he just got a new Hoyt as well this year...shot a crossbow for deer here in Ohio since I've known him, but he's learned to shoot pretty good already.

A couple things to consider: I can't go on the antelope hunt with him. I have a wedding I am in right in the middle of it (non hunting friends don't get it), so I'd have to fly out the day after the wedding right when the archery elk season starts. This would also be my only western hunt of the year. So far I've only been able to do 1 western trip a year, so I won't even be able to take my new bow with me out west until next year.

What would you all do?

TP111, you bring up a scenario that happens often with Western hunting buddies. First of all, I would jump on the opportunity to help out your friend with the AZ archery hunt. You'll both likely have multiple elk encounters which will speed up your learning curve and knowledge base for future hunts. One thing though, you guys need to have better communication when it comes to planning your future Western hunts. Prior to "hunt application season" it's important to flush out what your goals, expectations, States to hunt, time constraints, and budget considerations. Have a Plan B and C in place in the event one guy draws a premium tag and not the other or if life "gets in the way" of your Plan A. Consider putting in a party application for those LE premium tags so that you both either draw or not as a group (kinda simplifies the planning/coordination process).