This is my frist post with a story.My buddy Nate has been putting in for elk in Nv for 10 years and finally drew his first elk tag ever this year of all years he had just got a new job. His job had him working weekends all summer and he had to turn his deer tag in and save his time off for his elk. So that left me scouting the area for him. I only got to scout 2 times before the week before season opened but thanks to the biologist he was very helpful. Nate and I went out the weekend before season only problem was that the second season was still going on. We tried to stay out if the other guys way din't want to screw up there hunt to scout. Saw a few bull that weekend so it made Nate feel like he has a chance. We took the opening week off seaaon started on Wednesday. He brought his seven year old son and my seventeen year old came to help and get out of school and work. Didn't see any bull that we wanted to go after on Wednesday with the snow blowing sideways. We hoped the weatherman was right and the snow would quit. Thursday no snow but it was 15 below when we got up good thing we were in the trailer. We saw more bulls on thursday and found 5 bull at 3:20 that were 2 miles away down a canyon so off we went by the time we made it to 500 yards it was past shooting light. Shooting light is at sunset so back to camp. Friday thru sunday spent all day relocating the bulls same story they were not coming out till almost dark since we had a full moon and we weren't able to make a stalk on them so late in the day. We both Had to be at work on Monday till friday. We made a plan to go back and camp closer with just the two of us. Friday night we left work early and made it to the trailhead at 10:00 pm which put us about five miles from where the bulls were the week before. we put our packs on and headed out to get closer so not as far in the morning. we made it to camp at at 12:30 set up camp and caught a few zzzz's. Saturday morning spotted the bulls feeding we put them to bed and Nate tried to stalk in around noon, but the wind was bad when he got halfway up in the canyon so we circled around and finally were able to close the distance we had to wait for them to feed out of the thick juniper and pinions. Finially at 3:30 they started to make there way to us. At 4:20 the biggest bull came out of the ravine at 150 yards and one shot later we were holding his bull celabrating his first elk. We decided that we would pack him out and sleep in on Sunday. We made it to truck with all the meat and camp at 3:00am. That pack out was probably one of the best pack outs I have done, being able to help my friend get his elk and instilling in his son the love of hunting was priceless. Sorry for the story being so long