Is that an OTC hunt for residents there? Awesome work!
That is an awesome hunt. I hope you realize how lucky you are to be able to hunt sheep every year as a resident. Us poor saps that live int he lower 48 can only dream of doing once in a lifetime what you are doing every year!!
Congratulations on an awesome hunt and a great ram. What is your goal with a new spotter? I am assumng that with the one you had at 26.4 ounces you must not be looking for light weight, rather your are looking for more clarity/better glass and willing to go up in weight. Correct? I ask as I am considering downsizing from a 20-60 power (heavy) spotting scope to something along the lines of a the Vortex Razor HD 11-33x50, which is 25 ounces. In your opinion, would the 11-33 power be enough for sheep hunting?
I believe you can still apply for a ewe tag the next year after you take a trophy ram but not 100%.
Yeah we are lucky, but if you are successfully on a trophy ram one year you have can't get a tag for trophy sheep the next. I believe you can still apply for a ewe tag the next year after you take a trophy ram but not 100%. The best sheep areas are on a draw and most of the general season areas are for early season, if you want to hunt the rut in November it is draw only. But I can't complain at all, I only hope we still get these opportunities in the future.
Thanks for props Mano! I have made up my mind(very recently) to stick with my ed50. The 602 which I'm pushin on my buddy for 400 (just paid 480 plus tax) is worth every penny and it has a great 60x I text u some pics shortly. Robinsons camera might be sitting on the 20-60 eyepiece they brought in with it right now and should match euro optic 370 bucks as they match euro for me on everything else...the ordered eyepiece although I didn't need it, I have the eyepiece with my 664 and keeping as truck spotter but I'm used to the ed50 for what I do and going to only pack it. The 602 is yours if want it, my buddy also has spotter xlII and not even close to same league, this 602 at 60 devastate that xlII at 40. It's the lightest quality 60x u will find and I'm kinda torn on decision but have not been left wanting with the Ed I'm going to be loyal since it's already in arsenal. Congrats again on that ram!
Oops, thought I was quoting the spotter bit...doh