My 1st Deer

Lane Avery

Aug 19, 2012
N Idaho
Time came to shoot my first deer. My friend came along with us. We were hunting on my dads friends property. We arrived at 3. We got in position. I was laying prone. We waited an hour and a half. We saw 2 does but no bucks. Then came a spike walked out in the field we were facing. I wanted to shoot it but my dad didn't let me. At the last minutes of light a 4x5 walked into the field. I got my scope on it and pulled the trigger. Since my shoulder was not on the stock, the scope hit me in the forehead. It was very painful. It even left a bruise. But, I did shoot him at 319 yards. It took about an hour to gut and skin him. And now I have the antlers.



Great job Lane! Congrats on a beautiful deer...and 329 yards is a great shot! Getting excited and getting "scope bit" has happened to the best of us I am afraid. It happened to me on my first animal (which was a moose), and I ended up pulling my hat down low in all the field pictures so no one would see the goose egg on my forehead:) Since then, I try to relax, and spend a second making sure I am set up properly and in a good shooting position before I pull the trigger. So far so good, as it has never happened to me again, but I know plenty of experienced hunters that have taken a good hit to the face when they get in a hurry, or shoot from a new position like uphill or downhill.

Good thing that dad of yours talked you out of shooting the spike, huh?
Way to go Lane! I think the best advice I can give is learn as much as you can from your Dad. My Dad always seems to teach me something new year in and year out if I have the patience and wits to listen to him. Good buck!
nice work! thats a great first deer and showing patience to get him is even better.
lucky you didnt get cut, friend of mine ended up with stitches from the scope eye... lesson learned
Great Job Lane! Thats a better white tail than I've ever killed! :)
Tell your dad that next year you want him to take you mule deer hunting cause thats what all the 'COOL' hunters like to do! (I'm being sarcastic of course, but I'm sure your Dad will get a kick out of it... ;)

I'm sorry that I missed this thread. That is a nice buck!
Only advice I have is always buy a good scope with lots of eye relief so you can stay way back from it. Oh and always share your lunch with your dad 'cause he's the guide!