Muzzleloading Wannabee - CVA Accura LR-X .45

Are the 50s generally problem free? Been on the fence about getting one but am hung up on the collapsible ram rod as BH209 is not readily available and I’ve read 777 needs to be swabbed between shots.
Even if the 50s haven't had the issues I would really question the customer service before dropping that much. Recipe for a strong case of buyer remorse if something isn't right. Just my two cents after dealing with terrible support (not CVA personally)
The only reason to shoot a .45 cal is to get the extended range and accuracy a custom sized bullet to bore projectile can give you.
The only reason to shoot a .45 cal is to get the extended range and accuracy a custom sized bullet to bore projectile can give you.
Not really just that. You can shoot a 240gr-250gr 40cal Fury in a sabot and get more speed that you will get from a 50cal with the same amount of powder. Plus the far superior BC and SD vs the vast majority of 240-250gr 45cal bullets.

Love my 45 fast twist Knights
Hello. I have a question for those with more experience than me with muzzleloading (pretty much anyone reading this post). I'm getting very close to purchasing a CVA Accura LR-X in .45 cal, which would be my first muzzleloader. I've read that the .45 cal in the LR-X has an "oversized bore". What does that mean for me as a new shooter? I was hoping to shoot bullet-to-bore without a sabot. Does the oversized bore limit what bullets I could shoot? Will I need to use sabots? It will be a deer gun and I would like to shoot out to 200 yards with optics. I did find some BH209 and primers already. What bullets would you recommend? For "best" accuracy, do I need to size the bullets to the bore? Maybe I'm overthinking things for a 200 yard gun... Thanks in advance for any help you can provide this newbie...
When looking at shooting bore size bullets it is important to know your bore size. In a perfect world you would think that if you buy a 45 caliber rifle it would come with a .450 ID. The industry standard is plus or minus 2000. Remember when starting with a new cutter if it is in specification then then your bore will be .450, but as it ware’s it becomes smaller. It all depends on how often they change out their equipment. Once you know your bore size then you can purchase bullets accordingly. This where bullet sizing comes in. If the bullet you are purchasing is is a .452 and your barrel is .451 then you will need size the bullet down to the size of your bore. If the bore is oversized then you may need to make the bullet larger then size them down to fit the bore. If this is the process then you will need a adjustable sizing die. It is important to size the bullet on the barrel as it is going to be shot. Clean or dirty. I personally use a wad under the bullet to help seal the chamber. I hope this helps and good luck
Read through this posting a couple times. Recently I bought the 50 cal LR-X (Nov 7 2022), I also have an Inconsistent bore diameter. Bought the Thor bullets sizing pack, .502 is perfect fit for the first 12"-18" of the barrel, then it drops down VERY easily down the rest of the barrel. I don't feel safe shooting full bore Thor conicals because of how little pressure the bullet has seated over the charge. The LR-X is a Very nice gun, If the bore was more consistent it would be absolutely perfect! I picked the LR-X because of the Nitride/Ceracoat treatment, free floated barrel, ease of takedown/cleaning, modularity for hunting colorado and western states.

I absolutely will not be polishing a $649 brand new rifles barrel and hoping it solves the bore inconsistency issue. I don't want to mess with the internal barrel finish and also end up with Inconsistent rifling.

I have sighted in with 270gr elr powerbelt using 120gr of 777 mag pellets and federal 209mz. Pretty happy with the accuracy of this load, and the powerbelt seems to retain an acceptable fit throughout the bores length. All sabots, the Bore Driver, and powerbelt bullets seemed to fit well throughout the bore. Part of my focus was on out of state elk hunting where sabots, and in some places, pure lead or no plastic is required. My goal is to set this rifle up to hunt in any state for any game. I feel I can accomplish this, but it may take a different bullet selection than I anticipated. There are a lot of different bullets out there!

I haven't gotten into much load development yet, muzzy season starts in MN here on the 26th. I picked a bullet, sighted in, here we go. I have 9 different bullets, 4 different primers, and 5 different powder/pellets to play with in the spring.

As this is a newish rifle offering, and there isn't too much on the web about circumventing the Inconsistent bore issue. This thread here has more info in it than 10 other threads combined. Bore driver, sabots, and powerbelts seen to be able to maintain a good pressure fit for me.

After Muzzy season I will decide if the bore issue is going to work for me. I did go through a bit of a disappointment phaze, as the bullet I chose didn't work out. But with a new firearm you have to see what does and doesn't work. ---AMac
An inconsistent bore, such as you explain, would go back to CVA. They know better, yet they also know that people will continue to buy their product because of price.
With TC out of business, that leaves Traditions or Knight. But how many owners of Traditions or Knight rifles have barrels that are bad? Its common for CVA.

If I were to buy a new production rifle today, it would be a Knight.
For a beginner there is a lot of information for the person just starting out. I fin it strange that so many people chime in about a particular gun that they most probably don’t own and haven’t shot. As a owner of about 60 different ML it doesn’t take long to find the problems with every brand. And I can tell you there are problems with every make. I own two Paramount 40’s one Paramount 45 and have tested the Paramount 50. And I have the MRX-50. I have yet to find a problem with any of my guns. I will say that I like many other have read many post with negative comments. I personally find that it funny that you would take advise from people who don’t have the gun in question, or who have never shot one. I know of a couple of bad barrels, but they were replaced. As for questions about the 40 it shoots lights out. I took a off the shelf gun and won a National Championship in June 2022. That gun performed against one off custom guns at the NMLRA Nationals. Being in the Muzzle loader industry for the past 14 years I have shot or shot against every brand. I have yet to find the flawless rifle. Don’t read everything on the net and assume it’s the gospel. When you make your future purchase make sure you look at customer service as your most important consideration.
.................................d. As for questions about the 40 it shoots lights out. I took a off the shelf gun and won a National Championship in June 2022. That gun performed against one off custom guns at the NMLRA Nationals.....
Barry, be careful............

And you weren't using powerbelts either.
Dang collapsable ramrod broke 2nd day at the range. I was loading 270gr eld down the tube, and the loading tip that comes in the packaging with the bullets got stuck on the bullet tip. When I tried to pull the ramrod out only 3/4 of the ramrod came out. Glad I had bought a cheap cleaning rod, it came in clutch.

When I seat the bullets, I would tamp it 3-4 times lightly to seat the powerbelt snugly on the T7 60/50 mag pellets, to the mark on my collapsable ramrod. The Powerbelt base seats slightly over the preformed pellets. One bullet didnt want to seat properly on the pellets, so for safety reasons i tamped it until I reached the mark on the ramrod.

The ramrod came apart as I tried to pull it off, and the last section remained in the barrel. On inspection The powerbelt base was deformed and wasn't seating properly. I didn't think I was over tamping it, but lesson learned...

On a side note, I finally found 2 10oz cans of Blackhorn 209 on today, pellets are only a convenience for me as I bought and received my LR-X .50 2 weeks before muzzy season. I find me some Federal 209A, or CCI 209M and I'll be set for next season. I'm enjoying my entry into the muzzy world, there are issues and a learning curve, but I am enjoying this journey......

45 cal LR-X, running BH209, arrowhead LRMP breechplug conversion, arrowhead Omni muzzlebrake, and Parker black max bullet to bore. Not much of a load development, just tried 75gr by weight.

MOA muzzleloader that my little son used to get his first cow elk. Too bad scopes are not legal here anymore - I had it dialed in with my Sig BDX scope...
For a beginner there is a lot of information for the person just starting out. I fin it strange that so many people chime in about a particular gun that they most probably don’t own and haven’t shot. As a owner of about 60 different ML it doesn’t take long to find the problems with every brand. And I can tell you there are problems with every make. I own two Paramount 40’s one Paramount 45 and have tested the Paramount 50. And I have the MRX-50. I have yet to find a problem with any of my guns. I will say that I like many other have read many post with negative comments. I personally find that it funny that you would take advise from people who don’t have the gun in question, or who have never shot one. I know of a couple of bad barrels, but they were replaced. As for questions about the 40 it shoots lights out. I took a off the shelf gun and won a National Championship in June 2022. That gun performed against one off custom guns at the NMLRA Nationals. Being in the Muzzle loader industry for the past 14 years I have shot or shot against every brand. I have yet to find the flawless rifle. Don’t read everything on the net and assume it’s the gospel. When you make your future purchase make sure you look at customer service as your most important consideration.
New guy here surfing the forum for info. What's your take on the CVA "X" rifles in 45 cal? Sounds like they aren't popular as the bore ID is a bit large? I was wanting a MR-X in .45, but reconsidering now... Penny for your thoughts?
New guy here surfing the forum for info. What's your take on the CVA "X" rifles in 45 cal? Sounds like they aren't popular as the bore ID is a bit large? I was wanting a MR-X in .45, but reconsidering now... Penny for your thoughts?
I have a 45 cal LR-X and it's been good so far.

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See my post on page2. Mine shoots great. Shoot the 285 Powerbelt in mine with Blackhorn 209. Killed a buck at 307 yards last year.
I have a 45 cal LR-X and it's been good so far.

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I was hoping for a response from BPI, but I appreciate yours!

What was your reason for the upgraded plug? Had you shot it with the reg 209 plug? If so, noticable difference? TIA
I was hoping for a response from BPI, but I appreciate yours!

What was your reason for the upgraded plug? Had you shot it with the reg 209 plug? If so, noticable difference? TIA
I didn't change my plug. It already came with the blackhorn breach plug.

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I just traded for a Accura LR-X .45 and since no one has the BH209, I am using 120 grain by volume of T7 2FG with 285 ELR’s and it is .5” at 50 yards and 1” at 100 yards. Going to run some Hornady SST 200’s next trip to see how they do. Added the Williams western precision sights and it handles well.


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