I run a CVA Accura MRX and Fury 320gr with max charge (84gr) of Blackhorn 209 by WEIGHT with the large rifle primer conversion.
The most overlooked part, for me, is not weighing charges and going by volume only. A scale runs $30 and you can weigh and load charge tubes in a few minutes.
I bought 2 packs of the Blackhorn charge tubes (orange caps) last year. I love these as there's no static and all powder falls when loading. I laid them out and the hashmarks printed on them was all over the place. Of the 6 tubes, the largest deviation was 9gr (volume). I also get different readings when initially loading the tubes nad then tapping them on a table...the powder settles.
If you're planning on shooting out to 100yds.....that possible variance may not make a huge difference. To me, it's unacceptable. I weigh and preload my range and hunting tubes before heading out. As a shooter, I put enough potential error into the gun, so I want my bullet, load and charge to be as close to the same as possible...every time.
I ran the BoreDrivers for a bit and they shot pretty good. It's all about experimentation and developing your load. What my muzzy likes may not be what yours likes.
With regard to powders...I use BH209. I bought enough to last for a while a few years back. Looking at the cost of tags, travel, hunts etc.....it's doable, even with today's prices. I blow more money on other worthless crap anyway. Once I'm zeroed, I only shoot once or twice before the season to reconfirm....not plinking around...so a jug should last a decent time.