Muzzleloader recommendation

Definitely a big CVA fan. I bought the Accura V2 combo off Bud’s a few years ago with Konus scope and padded case for around $450. The nitride finish is absolutely legit and it shoots 2” groups at 100 yards with 90 grains of BH209 and a 260 grain Precision Rifle all-lead Extreme Elite bullet. This load has cleanly killed several Iowa whitetails with GOOD blood trails. I load it down to 80 grains for my teenage daughters and it is very comfortable shooting for them with the thumbhole stock.
I just bought a CVA optima v2 this year and like it. Put a Bushnell banner scope on there and you have a cheap scope that'll do what needs to get done and hold zero.

Put the other $100-$150 into bullets and such.
I'm extremely happy with my CVA Wolf and fiber optic peep sight. It's a very inexpensive muzzleloader that's easy to clean and maintain. It shoots great and has a forward balance that makes it easy to hold on target. The ONLY thing I'd do different if I bought one today would be to get a stainless steel model since I hunt crappy weather.
I’ve never owned a CVA, but I started with a Knight DISC rifle almost 20 years ago, have tried several others (including smokeless), and am going back to my old Knight.
I bought a CVA Wolf earlier this year. I shot it this weekend and am very impressed with the accuracy. Target at 50yds and have groups of 3 touching. I’m using 2 pellets of White Hots with Barnes T-Ez 290 grain.
I have 5 muzzleloaders

1 old 50cal Hawken I built from a kit in the 70s
1 older CVA Staghorn 50cal
2 CVA Wolf 50cal
1 CVA Accura

Ive killed big game with every one of them
I have a TC Impact and Triumph. The Impact is within your range and a great gun. Best part is how quiet the action is and how simple it is to take the whole gun apart for a good cleaning.