Muzzleloader or 1st rifle tag

Dec 28, 2015
I’m burning my Colorado elk points.

I can pretty much guarantee a muzzleloader tag or a 1st rifle tag in a limited unit. I have one point more than what guaranteed a tag last year.

I’m trying to decide which one I go for. First rifle has less tags, higher overall success. But it also has a shorter season. And due to the dates I can only hunt 4 of the 5 days of 1st rifle. I can arrive 2 days early and scout. I can’t shift these days at all to be able to hunt more.

Muzzleloader has more pressure (archery and ML hunters) but also I would be able to hunt 7 days but no scouting at all. I would show up and hunt. the elk should be bugling/rutting that time of year.

So. Which hunt do you go with? September is a magical time in the elk woods. But an open sighted ML limits me to 100-125 yds. First rifle isn’t a bad hunt either, and I can shoot 400-450 with my rifle.

What say you rokslide?
I’ll add that I’ve hunted Colorado 5x but never a limited unit/tag. 3 OTC archery and 2 OTC rifle.

I’ll never hunt OTC rifle again. What a cluster
Are you hunting solo or with friends to help pack? Cuz if you HAVE to leave that last day then it really limits you on the second to last day too.
First rifle season dates have pushed back this year for Colorado are you sure you can hunt it at all?


In the 2025-2029 Big Game Structure Colorado 1st rifle now opens on Wednesday versus Saturday. In 2025, that date is October 15th.

That said bulls can still be talking and responding to bugles during first rifle. They might not come to your calls but they might give courtesy bugles
The dates being changed is why I can only hunt 4 out of 5 days. Last day of the season is pack out day if needed. I’m solo. I cannot fudge my vacation days to allow me to hunt the entire season and allow me a pack out day or two.
Depending on the unit I might still opt for the 4 day season with two scouting days. Your scouting days might put you on them opening morning and tagged out.
For the first time in a long time I used my PPs last year on a ML elk hunt instead of archery or rifle.

I really enjoyed it

My choice would be ML
4x more lethal range > 2x more days, IMO.
Is that the new math the kids are using, or just crazy talk?

The correct answer is:

A six-day hunt, with two of 'em dedicated to scouting only -- for a higher probablity chase > seven-day hunt with no scouting and higher pressure and more competition.

I admit that better weather and more talk would be a strong pull for me, but the longer I'm around the more I think quality scouting beats winging it on shank's mare, when you have the choice.

Too bad Toby Keith's A Little Less Talk And A Lot More Action is such trash, or I'd somehow work it into this post ...

But that's how I'd lean ... LOL
Just curious how many points do you have? I am also considering using my points for a muzzleloader hunt at some point, wont be this year though.
I’d go with the rifle hunt. With no pressure on your scouting days you should be able to pattern them enough to get it done in 4 days. If you can make it there for a couple days during the summer that’d help a lot too. I don’t care what your weapon is hunting pressured elk is never easy. So unless you know you can get away from everyone else I’ll pass on that early hunt.

What are the dates for first rifle? Second rut? Maybe you’ll get some bugling action.
I’ve hunted first rifle once and muzzleloader 5 times now. Weather during first rifle can be a bit of a crapshoot depending where you’re going, whereas it’ll likely be a lot more consistent (and nicer) during ML. ML definitely have a better chance of bugling or at least them coming in silently to bugling and/or cow calling. Also it’s pretty dang fun to shoot one close in the timber with open sights if you get the chance ;)

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If you're old like me, the only positive about Muzzy season is the nice weather. 1st rifle still gets a TON of bugling. Don't be concerned about that. If you're into elk, chances are they will be bugling. take the long range advantage of a rifle all day. Scout 2 days, kill on opening day. Lived the hype of September for many years. My wife/family is calling me on the drive out asking when I'm coming home. I need to keep my trips short and sweet these days. That "magical" time has now changed to 1st or 3rd season
Muzzleloader season is more enjoyable but 1st rifle is a better time if killing an elk is the only goal with the same skill level.

I will say the muzzleloader experience has been degraded as the OTC archery pressure increased and the pressure concentrated on fewer units. I’m not sure if the end of NR archery tags will help this immediately or in a few years.
For me it would be MZ 100%...but I've only hunted archery (but it's always crossed part of MZ season). I have never seen MZ pressure...especially the few times I've had limited entry tag during MZ.

Mid Sept is the best time to chase elk...far less chance of weather ruining your hunt.

Good Luck either way!