Muzzleloader Mule deer

air rn

Mar 27, 2020
Granbury, Texas
If ya have taken one with a muzzy. What bullets did ya use. I am shooting the Hornady ELDX Bore driver consistently. Reduced powder load to 80 by volume black horn. Limiting my shots to 100 yards or less. Any other bullets y'all would recommend me trying during the off season. Shooting a TC FX pro hunter with Williams peep and fiber front sight.
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Taken deer and elk with these. Happy with accuracy and dead animals.
Hornady SST ML. My sons have each taken a few bull elk with these. A total of 4 bulls. All dropped right where they stood. The longest shot was 150 yards. Amazing performance and super accurate in the muzzleloader. There young eyes can hold 2 inch groups from a bench with open sights. I am really impressed. No matter what avoid Power Belts. Terrible experience on black bear with that round.!/
Hornady SST ML
+/-1 for SST. I wish i had your experience with SST's. Mine has ruined trips and made nightmares.
Maybe 300gn SST MZ are different from 300gn Sabot slugs?

I have shot 1 deer and not recovered with SST MZ, 100% probably me missing,(after bad slug gun experiences) but bigger sample size is slug guns. I used them mostly in Slug guns as other manufactures stopped making slugs (finally all coming back). But I am used to deer dropping when hit with a normal slug or leaving an exit hole and deer don't go far.

From my experience, SST's grenade on impact, minimal weight retention and rarely an exit wound on white tail deer and black bears leaving long recoveries and minimal blood trails. Between my uncle and I the last few years, 8 for 10 recovered and only 1 dropped in it's tracks. The others all ran 100+ yards. Luckily it's very open woods and you can watch for a long ways. 2 we almost gave up on thinking it was a miss and only to go over the ridge and find the deer. 300+ yard recovery

ELDx and FTX's sure. But I'll never shoot a SST ever again. We swapped over to Federal copper slugs. Not as accurate as the SST's, but hopefully we see better results.
I have to shoot full bore for Western legal. The ELDX Bore driver fit the ticket. Think I am going to try Fury and Thors as well. Only thing that makes me a little concerned with the ELDX is they are designed for long range. I have a decreased powder load which in theory will slow them down at 100 and mimic them at 200 with a standard 90 or 100 grain by volume load

Thanks for the feedback all!
This deer was with the FTX Boredriver out of a CVA Accura MRX with 84 grains blackhorn by weight. Shot was 140 yards with the Williams Peep and their Crosshair insert with holdover. Biggest thing I think helped was having a muzzlebrake. It makes it much more fun to shoot.


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I have shot deer with the TC MaxiBall which is a lead conical, they fly well out to about 125ish yards. I shot an Oregon buck a few years ago at 90 yards and was able to recover the bullet in the opposite shoulder. I now shoot the hornady boredriver ELDx in the states where it’s legal, I do think they fly better and I can shoot farther and more consistently. I’m shooting a Knight Bighorn with a Williams sight with about 105 grains of powder and a number 11 capIMG_4205.jpegIMG_4210.jpeg
Shot a pronghorn in 23 using the FTX Boredriver at 160yds. Bullet hit the front shoulder, dropped in his tracks. Recovered bullet still has shards of bone embedded in it. I've since switched to the ELD-X bullets, just because they're more accurate. I'm sure either would work fine on medium sized-game, assuming you make an accurate shot.


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I'm shooting the .45 Cal 285 Gr. Powerbelt ELR. 100 Grain of BH 209 by Weight. The effect of this bullet is pretty devastating as you can see in the picture below. Also getting sub MOA groups. Very amazed at the damage these bullets are causing. Complete pass through on 100 and 200 yard kills.


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Getting pretty good groups with the eld-x. No idea on an animal. Considering the Thor and fury as well but they’re both a lower bc by a bit
I've had good accuracy out to 100 yards with 100 grains Pyrodex Pellets and a sabot/.44 cal 250 gr XTP. That's shooting out of NEF Huntsman. I started experimenting with 50 grains (volume) of BH 209 and the same sabot/bullet combo and the 100 yard groups are good too.

I only use open sights so I can't speak of the groups at longer range.
Killed a bull at 150 yards with the 340 grain eld-x. Broke the front shoulder but must have clipped a lung. Didn't find the bullet. Took a bit but got the job done
There are several great options from Parker Productions. Each designed to perform at different muzzle velocities. Call Bob and he will steer you in the right direction. The Black Max has proven very effective for me in bullet to bore .45 rifles.

If using sabots in .50 the .458 300 grain Barnes original semi spitzer #30611 is my #1 and its not even close.
If ya have taken one with a muzzy. What bullets did ya use. I am shooting the Hornady ELDX Bore driver consistently. Reduced powder load to 80 by volume black horn. Limiting my shots to 100 yards or less. Any other bullets y'all would recommend me trying during the off season. Shooting a TC FX pro hunter with Williams peep and fiber front sight.
Fury 320g star tip 2p .50 cal absolute deadly bullet and scary accuracy.