Muzzle Break or Suppressor?

What do you have on your hunting rifle?

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I assume the population here is very very different from the average hunter. I rarely talk to hunters in the field with suppressors on their rifles.
How I look at it is this forum (now) is a good barometer of where a lot of the hunting public will be gear-wise in 5-10 years. I know people on here tend to hate hunting influencers but I see Randy Newberg and a lot of the people in the Meateater umbrella now hunting suppressed and talking about it. I believe the suppressor trend will only rise moving forward, and rapidly soon.
There are plenty of supressors you can buy for under $700 that’s the same price as a decent scope but obviously you can spend way more then that (on a suppressor or scope). A decent pair of boots are at minimum $300 and that is a consumable so I don’t really see the complaint that they are to expensive. Hell everybody and their dog can get on expertvoice someway or another and there’s several supressor manufactures on there or you can do payment plans through some sites. Anytime I’ve ever heard anyone complain about the prices of outdoor gear spend $800 a month on truck payments so it’s all relative
There are plenty of supressors you can buy for under $700 that’s the same price as a decent scope but obviously you can spend way more then that (on a suppressor or scope). A decent pair of boots are at minimum $300 and that is a consumable so I don’t really see the complaint that they are to expensive. Hell everybody and their dog can get on expertvoice someway or another and there’s several supressor manufactures on there or you can do payment plans through some sites. Anytime I’ve ever heard anyone complain about the prices of outdoor gear spend $800 a month on truck payments so it’s all relative
Off topic but.....I just can't fathom the mindset of somebody who would make an 800.00/month auto payment then complain about ANYTHING being "too expensive".
I prefer suppressed but my daughter prefers the extra recoil reduction of the brake so the rifles she shoots aren’t suppressed.

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For me, the contention really is the added length. I'd would take about a~200 fps penalty. Wind calls are what I struggle with the most. So, for me I like to have a little more cheat factor. Don't get me wrong I really would like to have a suppressor, just packing a 34" barrel is what I'm having an inner battle with.
My first suppressor is in jail right now. Used one on a hunt in Texas and was immediately sold. Hate brakes with a passion.
Voted suppressed. Just recently put a Hyperion k in jail. I’ve hunted with brakes in the past and will not go back to using them if I can.
I bought my first suppressor in 2017 and I don't know if I've shot a rifle without since. The only downside is they multiply, buy one and before you know it you have four. I absolutely hate being anywhere near a muzzle brake.
Like Thinhorn says, most people use the wait times and cost to avoid using a suppressor. Most of these people own a handful of weapons as well, or more.

I think there should be more opportunities available for people to try out suppressor to see the benefits for themselves.

If they did, selling off a rifle or three and using the funds to buy a suppressor would make more sense to them. The 1:20 hunters using them seems far too optimistic to me. I’ve ran into maybe 2 other hunters using one, ever.

The wait is inconsequential. I’ve heard friends complain about the wait for multiple years, but if they’d just purchase one, they’d have already been using it.
Ive shot a buddies suppressed rifles. I would never buy a suppressor
Interesting thread over on Sniper`s Hide concerning whether or not a brake is bad form at the shooting range. Of course, like most everything even semi-controversial on SH, the thread descends into pejoratives.