Looking to buy something in the 2700-4000 cu inch range. Going on an elk trip, so looking for something to do multi day hunts in, but also haul out meat. Trying to stay below $350, but willing to hear any offers.
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Thanks for the information. My budget is around 350. I know I could get a cheaper Alps or Cabelas pack, but would rather spend a little extra on something used that is a high quality pack.i do not know your budget. But you can find a used gen. 1 EXO 3500 for around $350 maybe a tad less. It is the best pack I have owned. Including all the frame and pack combo non-sense marketing stuff that most buy into. Sorry guys.
If a lower budget, for a one time hunt deal you might look at the Horn Hunter pack. It is a good set up on a tight budget. Good luck.